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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Future of Money: How to Make Money in 2023 and Beyond

Top 5 Ways to Make Money in 2023 and 2024

Are you looking for ways to make money in 2023 and 2024? In this blog post, we'll discuss the top 5 ways to make money online, including freelancing, starting a business, investing, blogging, and social media marketing. We'll also take a look at some of the emerging technologies that could change the way we make money in the future.

  • Freelancing: Freelancing is a great way to make money if you have skills that you can offer to others. You can find freelance work online or through word-of-mouth.
  • Starting a business: If you have a great idea for a business, 2023 is a great time to start it. The economy is strong and there are a lot of opportunities available.
  • Investing: Investing is a great way to grow your money over time. There are a variety of investments available, so you can find one that fits your risk tolerance and investment goals.
  • Blogging: Blogging can be a great way to make money if you have a lot of knowledge or expertise in a particular area. You can monetize your blog through advertising, affiliate marketing, or selling products or services.
  • Social media marketing: Social media marketing is a great way to reach a large audience and promote your products or services. You can use social media to drive traffic to your website, generate leads, and close sales.

Emerging technologies:

  • Virtual reality: Virtual reality is a rapidly growing technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world. There are already a number of businesses that are using virtual reality to train employees, provide customer service, and deliver entertainment.
  • Artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence is another rapidly growing technology that is already having a major impact on the way we live and work. There are a number of businesses that are using artificial intelligence to automate tasks, improve decision-making, and develop new products and services.
  • Blockchain: Blockchain is the technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It is a secure and transparent way to record transactions. Blockchain has the potential to disrupt a wide range of industries, including finance, healthcare, and supply chain management.
  • Personalized marketing: Personalized marketing is a type of marketing that uses data to target customers with messages that are relevant to their interests. This type of marketing is becoming increasingly popular as businesses look for ways to reach their customers more effectively.
  • E-commerce: E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services online. It is a rapidly growing market that is expected to continue to grow in the years to come.


These are just a few of the top ways to make money in 2023 and 2024. The best way to make money is to find something that you're passionate about and find a way to make a living doing it.

I hope this blog post has inspired you to start making money in 2023!

  • Watch my video now to learn more about the top 5 ways to make money online!

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Questions that will help you figure out your dreams and goals: 1) Where are you going 2) Who must you become in order for these things to happen 3) What must happen in order for you to get there 4) What are the personal obstacles you must deal with right now & along the way

Questions that will help you figure out your dreams and goals: 1) Where are you going 2) Who must you become in order for these things to happen 3) What must happen in order for you to get there 4) What are the personal obstacles you must deal with right now & along the way #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Getting rejected is the cheapest, almost free risk you can take.

Getting rejected is the cheapest, almost free risk you can take. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Almost all big mistakes are made when we think things are going well.

Almost all big mistakes are made when we think things are going well. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There will always be a bad apple who will steal from you. If you develop mistrust and trust nobody as a result, your growth is over.

There will always be a bad apple who will steal from you. If you develop mistrust and trust nobody as a result, your growth is over. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Surround yourself with successful people.

Surround yourself with successful people. #motivation #motivate #inspire

A well taken care of today will pave the way for a well taken care of tomorrow. -Sri Swami Satchidananda

A well taken care of today will pave the way for a well taken care of tomorrow. -Sri Swami Satchidananda #motivation #motivate #inspire

Average toddler takes 2,368 steps and falls over 17 times an hour. That's how we learn. Falling and getting up. And trying again. And again.

Average toddler takes 2,368 steps and falls over 17 times an hour. That's how we learn. Falling and getting up. And trying again. And again. #motivation #motivate #inspire

A study found that there is only one difference between creatives and non-creatives. Creative people believed they were creative. Less creative people believed they were not.

A study found that there is only one difference between creatives and non-creatives. Creative people believed they were creative. Less creative people believed they were not. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

We can't choose our circumstances but we do have control of thoughts we choose to have.

We can't choose our circumstances but we do have control of thoughts we choose to have. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There is no such thing as an overnight success. Everyone starts at zero. Everything starts small. Everyone has to struggle. Start from where you are, with what you have. Start. Now.

There is no such thing as an overnight success. Everyone starts at zero. Everything starts small. Everyone has to struggle. Start from where you are, with what you have. Start. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You have to keep working like youve just started

You have to keep working like youve just started #motivation #motivate #inspire

Most of the great fortunes are created by people who have nothing to lose because they have almost nothing to start with. Except grit, appetite for hard work and determination to never quit.

Most of the great fortunes are created by people who have nothing to lose because they have almost nothing to start with. Except grit, appetite for hard work and determination to never quit. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Six Rules for Success: 1. Trust yourself2. Break some rules3. Don't be afraid of failure4. Ignore the doubters 5. Work your ass off6. Give something back

Six Rules for Success: 1. Trust yourself2. Break some rules3. Don't be afraid of failure4. Ignore the doubters 5. Work your ass off6. Give something back #motivation #motivate #inspire

Comparison is the fastest way to feel unhappy.

Comparison is the fastest way to feel unhappy. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, April 10, 2023

There is no lasting success without good decisions. You cant make good decisions unless you deal in truth. Be positive but see things as they are.

There is no lasting success without good decisions. You cant make good decisions unless you deal in truth. Be positive but see things as they are. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Relationships are like bank accounts. Is your emotional account growing or shrinking

Relationships are like bank accounts. Is your emotional account growing or shrinking #motivation #motivate #inspire

No one has become poor by giving. More you give, more your wealth will grow.

No one has become poor by giving. More you give, more your wealth will grow. #motivation #motivate #inspire

No matter where you came from, what school you went to or not, what talent you think you have or not, none of this matters. You have the same opportunity to improve your life and succeed as did others who succeeded. Just be sure of what you want and then don't stop.

No matter where you came from, what school you went to or not, what talent you think you have or not, none of this matters. You have the same opportunity to improve your life and succeed as did others who succeeded. Just be sure of what you want and then don't stop. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Nothing is more essential to your success than perseverance.

Nothing is more essential to your success than perseverance. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Never stop improving

Never stop improving #motivation #motivate #inspire

One of the keys to great success is your ability to compartmentalize. Thats what allows you to track everything and make things happen.

One of the keys to great success is your ability to compartmentalize. Thats what allows you to track everything and make things happen. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, April 9, 2023

If you dont start, its certain you wont arrive.

If you dont start, its certain you wont arrive. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't waste not even a moment of your time thinking about what you don't want. Focus instead on what you do want. More clarity you have on what you want, the closer you are going to get to what you want.

Don't waste not even a moment of your time thinking about what you don't want. Focus instead on what you do want. More clarity you have on what you want, the closer you are going to get to what you want. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Nobody is born genius. Genius of great success materializes out of painful trial and error, hard work, long hours and an insatiable desire to do everything the best way possible, never satisfied, never content, always moving forward.

Nobody is born genius. Genius of great success materializes out of painful trial and error, hard work, long hours and an insatiable desire to do everything the best way possible, never satisfied, never content, always moving forward. #motivation #motivate #inspire

STOP checking on people that aren't checking on you

STOP checking on people that aren't checking on you #motivation #motivate #inspire

Make friends before you need them.

Make friends before you need them. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It's just as hard to achieve big goals as it is to achieve small goals.

It's just as hard to achieve big goals as it is to achieve small goals. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Accept what is.Fuck what was.Keep moving on.

Accept what is.Fuck what was.Keep moving on. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Life is not it is what it is. Life is the way you make it.

Life is not it is what it is. Life is the way you make it. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Choose to make sense of your world yourself. Don't accept others' interpretation of your life.

Choose to make sense of your world yourself. Don't accept others' interpretation of your life. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Things nobody can change: Not everything goes to plan Life is not always fair We experience our share of pain Sometimes bad stuff happens Some may betray us Some may break our heart Things might change But life goes on So why complain Focus on what you can control.

Things nobody can change: Not everything goes to plan Life is not always fair We experience our share of pain Sometimes bad stuff happens Some may betray us Some may break our heart Things might change But life goes on So why complain Focus on what you can control. #motivation #motivate #inspire

focus on you until the focus is on you

focus on you until the focus is on you #motivation #motivate #inspire

Its okay to live a life others dont understand

Its okay to live a life others dont understand #motivation #motivate #inspire

One day the people who didn't believe in you will tell others how they met you

One day the people who didn't believe in you will tell others how they met you #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, April 7, 2023

Hey you. Yes you, the one who is reading this. You are going to be successful one day and make your parents proud. Believe it

Hey you. Yes you, the one who is reading this. You are going to be successful one day and make your parents proud. Believe it #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't fall asleep until you have reminded yourself of at least one thing that happened today you are grateful for.

Don't fall asleep until you have reminded yourself of at least one thing that happened today you are grateful for. #motivation #motivate #inspire

When you say I already know this, you stop learning. When you say I dont know the whole story, you open yourself up to learning. And succeeding.

When you say I already know this, you stop learning. When you say I dont know the whole story, you open yourself up to learning. And succeeding. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was "Thank You," that would suffice. -Meister Eckehart

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was "Thank You," that would suffice. -Meister Eckehart #motivation #motivate #inspire

When money competes with enthusiasm, enthusiasm always wins.

When money competes with enthusiasm, enthusiasm always wins. #motivation #motivate #inspire

The cave you fear to enter contains the treasure you seek. -Joseph Campbell

The cave you fear to enter contains the treasure you seek. -Joseph Campbell #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, April 6, 2023

You are meeting someone and instead of listening alertly, you are thinking of an earlier argument you had with your partner. Or what you are going to have for lunch. Or that email you forgot to reply to. If you want to succeed, pay attention, listen, focus on now.

You are meeting someone and instead of listening alertly, you are thinking of an earlier argument you had with your partner. Or what you are going to have for lunch. Or that email you forgot to reply to. If you want to succeed, pay attention, listen, focus on now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Quality of your life is determined by quality of your relationships.

Quality of your life is determined by quality of your relationships. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Our eight emotions are how we make sense of the world. Five are focused on survival: fear, anger, disgust, shame, sadness. Three are focused on growth, success: trust/love, enthusiasm/joy, surprise. Build your life on trust/love, enthusiasm/joy and let life surprise you.

Our eight emotions are how we make sense of the world. Five are focused on survival: fear, anger, disgust, shame, sadness. Three are focused on growth, success: trust/love, enthusiasm/joy, surprise. Build your life on trust/love, enthusiasm/joy and let life surprise you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you want to be successful in life you have to visualize where you want to be. You will get as far as your mind takes you. Never forget this.

If you want to be successful in life you have to visualize where you want to be. You will get as far as your mind takes you. Never forget this. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't compare. You have everything in you to succeed and go as far as you want to go. Nature does not make copies. You are an original. Be yourself. Because you are the real thing.

Don't compare. You have everything in you to succeed and go as far as you want to go. Nature does not make copies. You are an original. Be yourself. Because you are the real thing. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Nothing grows in comfort zone. Shake things up. Think like a teenager. Be curious. Be a rebel. Learn from everyone you meet.

Nothing grows in comfort zone. Shake things up. Think like a teenager. Be curious. Be a rebel. Learn from everyone you meet. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Everyone has the same 24 hours each day. It's how you spend it that matters

Everyone has the same 24 hours each day. It's how you spend it that matters #motivation #motivate #inspire

Youre one decision away from changing your life

Youre one decision away from changing your life #motivation #motivate #inspire

Nobody got rich with a salary.

Nobody got rich with a salary. #motivation #motivate #inspire

How you give away your power to succeed When you please others so you can fit in. When you follow the opinions of the crowd. When you let someone else take charge of you. When you hold a grudge. When you compare.

How you give away your power to succeed When you please others so you can fit in. When you follow the opinions of the crowd. When you let someone else take charge of you. When you hold a grudge. When you compare. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Be patient. It doesnt happen over night.

Be patient. It doesnt happen over night. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There is no progress without struggle, no success without failure, no wealth without sacrifice.

There is no progress without struggle, no success without failure, no wealth without sacrifice. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, April 3, 2023

You will reach your goal You will because you can You can because you know You know because you believe.

You will reach your goal You will because you can You can because you know You know because you believe. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Income before spending.

Income before spending. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Read aloud, now: I am not timid I dont look back I dont procrastinate I dont wait I have decided with my heart I am committed I work hard I never give up I am grateful My destiny is assured

Read aloud, now: I am not timid I dont look back I dont procrastinate I dont wait I have decided with my heart I am committed I work hard I never give up I am grateful My destiny is assured #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, April 2, 2023

You can't do everything well. Choose. And focus, focus, focus.

You can't do everything well. Choose. And focus, focus, focus. #motivation #motivate #inspire

I think more than I speak

I think more than I speak #motivation #motivate #inspire

When you say, I am not happy, I am not successful, I am a failure, you are inviting more of that in your life. When you say, I am successful, I am a hard worker, I am great, you are inviting more of that in your life.

When you say, I am not happy, I am not successful, I am a failure, you are inviting more of that in your life. When you say, I am successful, I am a hard worker, I am great, you are inviting more of that in your life. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Two reasons most people fail:They are not using their strengths. They quit too soon.

Two reasons most people fail:They are not using their strengths. They quit too soon. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There is always untold story behind every person. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always

There is always untold story behind every person. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, April 1, 2023

No matter where you are in your life, remind yourself everyday, your best days are still to come.

No matter where you are in your life, remind yourself everyday, your best days are still to come. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Everyone has same 168 hours a week. Key to success is how productive you are each hour of the day. Invest a few minutes at the beginning and end of each day to prepare and stay organized. It will make rest of your day supremely productive.

Everyone has same 168 hours a week. Key to success is how productive you are each hour of the day. Invest a few minutes at the beginning and end of each day to prepare and stay organized. It will make rest of your day supremely productive. #motivation #motivate #inspire

A dollar today is always better than a dollar in future. Have patience for everything except money - now is better than later.

A dollar today is always better than a dollar in future. Have patience for everything except money - now is better than later. #motivation #motivate #inspire

The day you get rid of everything that is holding you back is the day you start creating your own opportunities.

The day you get rid of everything that is holding you back is the day you start creating your own opportunities. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Fashion is what you follow when you don't know who you are.

Fashion is what you follow when you don't know who you are. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You don't have to be rich, powerful or famous to be kind to people and bring a smile to their faces. They smile because they know you are a decent person and you care about them.

You don't have to be rich, powerful or famous to be kind to people and bring a smile to their faces. They smile because they know you are a decent person and you care about them. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Each failure is an opportunity to get better, to have a new outlook and a different approach.

Each failure is an opportunity to get better, to have a new outlook and a different approach. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, March 31, 2023

Don't be intimidated by anyone

Don't be intimidated by anyone #motivation #motivate #inspire

Refuse to be defined by your failures.

Refuse to be defined by your failures. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Quality of your life is mostly determined by quality of your motivation. When you are motivated, hard work becomes passion, obstacles melt away, failure becomes opportunity to learn, adversity turns into great success. Stay motivated.

Quality of your life is mostly determined by quality of your motivation. When you are motivated, hard work becomes passion, obstacles melt away, failure becomes opportunity to learn, adversity turns into great success. Stay motivated. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There is no such thing as the right time to do something. Start from where you are. Start with what you have. Start now.

There is no such thing as the right time to do something. Start from where you are. Start with what you have. Start now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Life is not just happening to you. You are creating it with everything that you are doing. Choices you are making from moment to moment. Right now. And it's never too late to change your choices.

Life is not just happening to you. You are creating it with everything that you are doing. Choices you are making from moment to moment. Right now. And it's never too late to change your choices. #motivation #motivate #inspire

People say curiosity killed the cat, but lack of curiosity will kill you.

People say curiosity killed the cat, but lack of curiosity will kill you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Dear God,Use me. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do. Use me for a purpose greater than myself.

Dear God,Use me. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do. Use me for a purpose greater than myself. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Be a warrior, not a worrier.

Be a warrior, not a worrier. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you are not thriving in life, it's a sign your battery is running low. What charges your life's battery Motivation, enthusiasm, gratitude, clear goals, hard work.

If you are not thriving in life, it's a sign your battery is running low. What charges your life's battery Motivation, enthusiasm, gratitude, clear goals, hard work. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Dont say it Do it

Dont say it Do it #motivation #motivate #inspire

Success is in your imperfections and flaws.

Success is in your imperfections and flaws. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Read aloud. Now. I have no doubt in my capacity to work hard. I challenge myself to be the best I can. I am successful at whatever I do. I am constantly learning. I have a clear mind. I am focused. I work hard. I am a doer. I love my life. I am grateful.

Read aloud. Now. I have no doubt in my capacity to work hard. I challenge myself to be the best I can. I am successful at whatever I do. I am constantly learning. I have a clear mind. I am focused. I work hard. I am a doer. I love my life. I am grateful. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you want to succeed big, do what you like in life, not what you feel you should do.

If you want to succeed big, do what you like in life, not what you feel you should do. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You can't make it until you give it 100%.

You can't make it until you give it 100%. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Make them look stupid for not believing in you.

Make them look stupid for not believing in you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Life that is ahead of you is a completely blank page. There are no tracks that have been laid for you to follow. Choose. Commit. Pursue. Win.

Life that is ahead of you is a completely blank page. There are no tracks that have been laid for you to follow. Choose. Commit. Pursue. Win. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

My attitude is based on how you treat me

My attitude is based on how you treat me #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you want to succeed, choose to: focus on your strengths keep learning do the right thing work hard have faith be grateful. Your life, your choices, your success.

If you want to succeed, choose to: focus on your strengths keep learning do the right thing work hard have faith be grateful. Your life, your choices, your success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

What are you capable of

What are you capable of #motivation #motivate #inspire

All day, everyday you are making choices. Even not making a choice is a choice. Remember if you are not making choices, others are making them for you. Your greatest power is your power to choose. Never surrender it.

All day, everyday you are making choices. Even not making a choice is a choice. Remember if you are not making choices, others are making them for you. Your greatest power is your power to choose. Never surrender it. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your best teacher is your last mistake

Your best teacher is your last mistake #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't be afraid of being a beginner

Don't be afraid of being a beginner #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, March 27, 2023

Think big to set goals. Think small to get them done.

Think big to set goals. Think small to get them done. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Nothing good is going to happen without hard work. Work hard. And harder.

Nothing good is going to happen without hard work. Work hard. And harder. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Warrior acts. Only a fool reacts

Warrior acts. Only a fool reacts #motivation #motivate #inspire

Nobody can make you happy. Only you choose to be happy, or not.

Nobody can make you happy. Only you choose to be happy, or not. #motivation #motivate #inspire

What converts success into great wealth: 1) leave comfort zone 2) be productive 3) build momentum

What converts success into great wealth: 1) leave comfort zone 2) be productive 3) build momentum #motivation #motivate #inspire

Crowd waiting for band to perform. Band enters stage. And just stands. Instruments in hand. But not playing. Then the band leaves without having performed anything. Thats how most of the world is. Stage set. Band standing. But no music. Not you. Because you perform. Every day.

Crowd waiting for band to perform. Band enters stage. And just stands. Instruments in hand. But not playing. Then the band leaves without having performed anything. Thats how most of the world is. Stage set. Band standing. But no music. Not you. Because you perform. Every day. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Everyone has to start somewhere. And this start always begins with optimism. Negative attitude is not going to take you anywhere.

Everyone has to start somewhere. And this start always begins with optimism. Negative attitude is not going to take you anywhere. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Never assume good times would continue to roll on. You have to continue to work hard, deliver and be your best every day, day after day.

Never assume good times would continue to roll on. You have to continue to work hard, deliver and be your best every day, day after day. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't be ideal. Be real. Be you.

Don't be ideal. Be real. Be you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Nothing is more essential to your success than perseverance.

Nothing is more essential to your success than perseverance. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't waste your precious time and energy blaming people or circumstances. Take responsibility for your success and focus on your goals.

Don't waste your precious time and energy blaming people or circumstances. Take responsibility for your success and focus on your goals. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't make promises when you're happy. Don't make decisions when you're angry

Don't make promises when you're happy. Don't make decisions when you're angry #motivation #motivate #inspire

Even if you think you don't have any goals, you've goals you aren't even aware of that are pulling you into some future, good or bad. Take control of your life. Set goals you want not the ones that have been handed to you. Set goals to create life you want. Write them down. Now.

Even if you think you don't have any goals, you've goals you aren't even aware of that are pulling you into some future, good or bad. Take control of your life. Set goals you want not the ones that have been handed to you. Set goals to create life you want. Write them down. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Talk less. Do more.

Talk less. Do more. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't talk about what you are going to do. Just do it.

Don't talk about what you are going to do. Just do it. #motivation #motivate #inspire

A couple years from now, everything you're stressing about won't mean a thing

A couple years from now, everything you're stressing about won't mean a thing #motivation #motivate #inspire

People who stay in the car just a little longer to listen to music are my kinda people

People who stay in the car just a little longer to listen to music are my kinda people #motivation #motivate #inspire

Not all your habits lead to success. Change your habits, change your life.

Not all your habits lead to success. Change your habits, change your life. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, March 24, 2023

When we are unhappy, its because we choose to be unhappy. Youre the only one who has power to be whoever you choose to be in your life.

When we are unhappy, its because we choose to be unhappy. Youre the only one who has power to be whoever you choose to be in your life. #motivation #motivate #inspire

When you believe in your dreams, when you have strong work ethic, when you are possessed with sheer passion, when your enthusiasm becomes infectious, people will line up to work with you, to follow you, to share your passion. Capital will follow.

When you believe in your dreams, when you have strong work ethic, when you are possessed with sheer passion, when your enthusiasm becomes infectious, people will line up to work with you, to follow you, to share your passion. Capital will follow. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Even if you have nothing, as long as you believe in yourself, as long as you are learning and as long as you are working hard, you can achieve whatever you are after.

Even if you have nothing, as long as you believe in yourself, as long as you are learning and as long as you are working hard, you can achieve whatever you are after. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Stop worrying about doing things to please everyone. Start making decisions that make you happy.

Stop worrying about doing things to please everyone. Start making decisions that make you happy. #motivation #motivate #inspire

In 10 years when you look back, are you going to be regretting the choices you are making today

In 10 years when you look back, are you going to be regretting the choices you are making today #motivation #motivate #inspire

Panic generates more panic. Stay calm.

Panic generates more panic. Stay calm. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Obstacles are things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.

Obstacles are things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. #motivation #motivate #inspire

To change the world, change yourself.

To change the world, change yourself. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Only lesson history teaches us is that nobody learns anything from history. Thats why history continues to move in cycles.

Only lesson history teaches us is that nobody learns anything from history. Thats why history continues to move in cycles. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Once a week ask yourself: What do you want from life. What do you really want Take a piece of paper and start writing down. Don't stop until you have poured your heart out.

Once a week ask yourself: What do you want from life. What do you really want Take a piece of paper and start writing down. Don't stop until you have poured your heart out. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Great success follows dreamers who dream big AND work hard all day, everyday to make it happen. One small step at a time. Start. Now.

Great success follows dreamers who dream big AND work hard all day, everyday to make it happen. One small step at a time. Start. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Retweet if nothing will stop you from achieving your dreams

Retweet if nothing will stop you from achieving your dreams #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith. Dream big Work hard Dont quit Have faith. You will go far.

Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith. Dream big Work hard Dont quit Have faith. You will go far. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Never let the bullshit stress you

Never let the bullshit stress you #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you are serious about your goals, write them down. Now.

If you are serious about your goals, write them down. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Stop blaming your parents, your friends, the economy, the circumstances. When you blame others, you weaken your power.

Stop blaming your parents, your friends, the economy, the circumstances. When you blame others, you weaken your power. #motivation #motivate #inspire

the more you learn, the more you earn

the more you learn, the more you earn #motivation #motivate #inspire

You are whatever you think about all day long.

You are whatever you think about all day long. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Nothing grows in comfort zone. Do something today that causes you discomfort.

Nothing grows in comfort zone. Do something today that causes you discomfort. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You are the master of your ship, nobody else. You get to choose what to dream, where to go, why to go, how to go. If you dont take control of your ship, who will

You are the master of your ship, nobody else. You get to choose what to dream, where to go, why to go, how to go. If you dont take control of your ship, who will #motivation #motivate #inspire

People are often afraid to make mistakes because they dont want to come across as stupid. Yet no one has succeeded without making mistakes. Dont worry about what others think. You are not succeeding if you are not making mistakes.

People are often afraid to make mistakes because they dont want to come across as stupid. Yet no one has succeeded without making mistakes. Dont worry about what others think. You are not succeeding if you are not making mistakes. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You cant change direction of the wind but you can adjust your sails to reach your destination.

You cant change direction of the wind but you can adjust your sails to reach your destination. #motivation #motivate #inspire

When you share what you have, it magically comes back to you manifold.

When you share what you have, it magically comes back to you manifold. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Karma has no menu. You get served what You deserve

Karma has no menu. You get served what You deserve #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, March 20, 2023

If you don't take charge of your life, somebody else will.

If you don't take charge of your life, somebody else will. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There are no expiry dates on big dreams. As long as you are alive, you have it in you to go after your dreams. Stay on it. And, never give up.

There are no expiry dates on big dreams. As long as you are alive, you have it in you to go after your dreams. Stay on it. And, never give up. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Plans are only good intentions until you supply hard work.

Plans are only good intentions until you supply hard work. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Work hard in silence, let your Lamborghini be your noise.

Work hard in silence, let your Lamborghini be your noise. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, February 5, 2023

People who claim to have the worst luck in the world spend most of their time talking endlessly about their woes, blaming others. That’s precisely how they create their bad luck. Take responsibility for your life. Let go of past. Focus on what you want. Work hard. Never quit.

People who claim to have the worst luck in the world spend most of their time talking endlessly about their woes, blaming others. That’s precisely how they create their bad luck. Take responsibility for your life. Let go of past. Focus on what you want. Work hard. Never quit. #motivation #motivate #inspire

What we think affects us. When facing challenges and setbacks, it's easy to fall into a vicious cycle of negative thoughts. There is no success in negative thinking. Focus your thoughts on what you can do.

What we think affects us. When facing challenges and setbacks, it's easy to fall into a vicious cycle of negative thoughts. There is no success in negative thinking. Focus your thoughts on what you can do. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Secret to finding your passion is to start bringing passion to everything you do. No matter how small or big whatever you are doing is, do it like you really want to. That’s what creates excellence. And, great success.

Secret to finding your passion is to start bringing passion to everything you do. No matter how small or big whatever you are doing is, do it like you really want to. That’s what creates excellence. And, great success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, February 4, 2023

You become what you believe.

You become what you believe. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Money won’t make you happy…but everybody wants to find out for themselves. – Zig Ziglar

Money won’t make you happy…but everybody wants to find out for themselves. – Zig Ziglar #motivation #motivate #inspire

Learning is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

Learning is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If today happened to be last day in your life, what would you do differently? Write down your answer on a piece of paper. Now you know what’s important to you.

If today happened to be last day in your life, what would you do differently? Write down your answer on a piece of paper. Now you know what’s important to you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you are feeling burnout, you are not doing the right things.

If you are feeling burnout, you are not doing the right things. #motivation #motivate #inspire

To succeed in a game, you have got to be in that game.

To succeed in a game, you have got to be in that game. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, February 3, 2023

No matter how tough circumstances are, it's in your control to have a great attitude, to give your very best, to treat people well, to be grateful for being alive, to give. Because as long as you are alive, hope is alive. Success is just a matter of time. Don't quit.

No matter how tough circumstances are, it's in your control to have a great attitude, to give your very best, to treat people well, to be grateful for being alive, to give. Because as long as you are alive, hope is alive. Success is just a matter of time. Don't quit. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife

Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you don't have a clear idea of where you want to go, you are not going anywhere.

If you don't have a clear idea of where you want to go, you are not going anywhere. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Be loyal. Be trustworthy. Do the right thing. That's how you build reputation and capital. No shortage of opportunities when you have a reputation for being reliable.

Be loyal. Be trustworthy. Do the right thing. That's how you build reputation and capital. No shortage of opportunities when you have a reputation for being reliable. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Point of making money is not to spend on yourself. Money is there to invest, to create, to build, to grow.

Point of making money is not to spend on yourself. Money is there to invest, to create, to build, to grow. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don’t attach yourself to outcomes. Be patient. Keep doing your thing. It is going to work out for you in the end.

Don’t attach yourself to outcomes. Be patient. Keep doing your thing. It is going to work out for you in the end. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will

Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will #motivation #motivate #inspire

Trees don't fail when they lose their leaves. They are in a constant state of losing and gaining, failing and succeeding. Constantly renewing. Just like us.

Trees don't fail when they lose their leaves. They are in a constant state of losing and gaining, failing and succeeding. Constantly renewing. Just like us. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There are no guarantees for tomorrow. Do all that you can, do it today, start now.

There are no guarantees for tomorrow. Do all that you can, do it today, start now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

What are you doing to realize your potential fully?

What are you doing to realize your potential fully? #motivation #motivate #inspire

Be clear about what you want. Write it down.

Be clear about what you want. Write it down. #motivation #motivate #inspire

When did you inspire someone else?

When did you inspire someone else? #motivation #motivate #inspire

A positive mind finds a way it can be done, a negative mind looks for all the ways it can't be done.

A positive mind finds a way it can be done, a negative mind looks for all the ways it can't be done. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

You are a product of your decisions.

You are a product of your decisions. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your body works all the time to keep you going. If you did just a fraction of work, there is nothing you can’t achieve. What are you waiting for?

Your body works all the time to keep you going. If you did just a fraction of work, there is nothing you can’t achieve. What are you waiting for? #motivation #motivate #inspire

Lions hire lions. Sheep hire other sheep.

Lions hire lions. Sheep hire other sheep. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your passion is what engages you so much that you lose track of time, you get so focused & obsessed that you shut out everything around you, it sets your soul on fire. That's your passion. Don't lose sight of it. Follow your passion. It will take you far.

Your passion is what engages you so much that you lose track of time, you get so focused & obsessed that you shut out everything around you, it sets your soul on fire. That's your passion. Don't lose sight of it. Follow your passion. It will take you far. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, be great.

You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, be great. #motivation #motivate #inspire

No goals, no passion, no commitment, average life. Clear goals, enthusiasm, commitment, great success. Choice is yours.

No goals, no passion, no commitment, average life. Clear goals, enthusiasm, commitment, great success. Choice is yours. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Best opportunities come when you are not prepared. Prepared or not, seize them anyway.

Best opportunities come when you are not prepared. Prepared or not, seize them anyway. #motivation #motivate #inspire

The day you think you have made it and are set for life is the day you have started going downhill. Never take success for granted. Stay humble.

The day you think you have made it and are set for life is the day you have started going downhill. Never take success for granted. Stay humble. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Patience is key

Patience is key #motivation #motivate #inspire

Fuck what they think. You do you. Go make shit happen.

Fuck what they think. You do you. Go make shit happen. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you give something, hoping to get something back, you are lending, not giving. Miracle of this world is you receive manifold of what you give, but only when you are not expecting anything in return.

If you give something, hoping to get something back, you are lending, not giving. Miracle of this world is you receive manifold of what you give, but only when you are not expecting anything in return. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Nobody got rich with a salary.

Nobody got rich with a salary. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Patience is also a form of action

Patience is also a form of action #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, January 30, 2023

Many things catch your eyes. Pursue only those that catch your heart.

Many things catch your eyes. Pursue only those that catch your heart. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You can’t cross the sea by just standing and staring at the water.

You can’t cross the sea by just standing and staring at the water. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you HAPPY

Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you HAPPY #motivation #motivate #inspire

Only you get to create your life. Nobody else. Your future self is waiting for you to take action today. Start now.

Only you get to create your life. Nobody else. Your future self is waiting for you to take action today. Start now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Woke up in beast mode

Woke up in beast mode #motivation #motivate #inspire

Failure is a great teacher. Failure often simplifies, eliminates what didn't work, removes noise, builds you a great foundation, and if you are humble enough to learn the lessons, failure stimulates momentum like nothing else.

Failure is a great teacher. Failure often simplifies, eliminates what didn't work, removes noise, builds you a great foundation, and if you are humble enough to learn the lessons, failure stimulates momentum like nothing else. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Don't run away from your problems. Problems are a sign of things happening in your life. Tackle them. Learn from them. Deal with them. Solve them. No problems, no success.

Don't run away from your problems. Problems are a sign of things happening in your life. Tackle them. Learn from them. Deal with them. Solve them. No problems, no success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

God has big plans for you. Believe it 🙏🏻

God has big plans for you. Believe it 🙏🏻 #motivation #motivate #inspire

First you learn then You remove the “l”

First you learn then You remove the “l” #motivation #motivate #inspire

Irony of life is that we always hurt those we love the most. Learn to appreciate what you have.

Irony of life is that we always hurt those we love the most. Learn to appreciate what you have. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There is only one you! Own the person that you really are. Being you is the only way to be free. Free to go after your dreams.

There is only one you! Own the person that you really are. Being you is the only way to be free. Free to go after your dreams. #motivation #motivate #inspire

How to tell if you possess things or things possess you? What you can choose to give is what you possess: love, respect, a smile. What can be taken away from you possesses you: limelight, power, prestige.

How to tell if you possess things or things possess you? What you can choose to give is what you possess: love, respect, a smile. What can be taken away from you possesses you: limelight, power, prestige. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Last words of Steve Jobs before he passed away: “Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow."

Last words of Steve Jobs before he passed away: “Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow." #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your best friend is the one who brings out the best in you.

Your best friend is the one who brings out the best in you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your success or failure is only determined by when you stop.

Your success or failure is only determined by when you stop. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Patience is power.

Patience is power. #motivation #motivate #inspire

if your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough.

if your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Seek solutions more than you seek explanations.

Seek solutions more than you seek explanations. #motivation #motivate #inspire

To get a better life tomorrow, make yourself better today than you were yesterday.

To get a better life tomorrow, make yourself better today than you were yesterday. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Personal accountability means you have a duty to do whatever you have committed to do. That’s what brings you fulfillment. A sense of duty is what will keep you steady on your path to success even when you feel like giving up.

Personal accountability means you have a duty to do whatever you have committed to do. That’s what brings you fulfillment. A sense of duty is what will keep you steady on your path to success even when you feel like giving up. #motivation #motivate #inspire

No matter how busy you are, exercise every day. Exercise makes you stronger, helps you live longer and boosts your self-confidence. Start. Today. Now.

No matter how busy you are, exercise every day. Exercise makes you stronger, helps you live longer and boosts your self-confidence. Start. Today. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, January 27, 2023

You can do anything, but not least not at the same time.

You can do anything, but not least not at the same time. #motivation #motivate #inspire

People work harder when they better understand the impact of their work.

People work harder when they better understand the impact of their work. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't confuse popularity with success. Life is not a popularity contest. Do your thing. Be who you are. Because you are great just the way you are.

Don't confuse popularity with success. Life is not a popularity contest. Do your thing. Be who you are. Because you are great just the way you are. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Be kind, be tender but don't be a pushover. To succeed, you've got to be tender-hearted AND tough-minded.

Be kind, be tender but don't be a pushover. To succeed, you've got to be tender-hearted AND tough-minded. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Stay thankful. Stay grateful. Stay blessed.

Stay thankful. Stay grateful. Stay blessed. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Have goals. Focus on your goals. Work hard. And, have patience. Good things take time. There are no shortcuts to lasting success. Don't quit. Your best days are still to come.

Have goals. Focus on your goals. Work hard. And, have patience. Good things take time. There are no shortcuts to lasting success. Don't quit. Your best days are still to come. #motivation #motivate #inspire

We can't choose our circumstances but we do have control of thoughts we choose to have.

We can't choose our circumstances but we do have control of thoughts we choose to have. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, January 26, 2023

No one can force you to take full advantage of your potential.

No one can force you to take full advantage of your potential. #motivation #motivate #inspire

God is in details.

God is in details. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don’t just start things. Finish what you start.

Don’t just start things. Finish what you start. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Comparison kills joy. No success in comparison.

Comparison kills joy. No success in comparison. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you keep doing what you have always been doing, you will keep getting the results you have always been getting.

If you keep doing what you have always been doing, you will keep getting the results you have always been getting. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There is no success without challenge, adversity, and often pain.

There is no success without challenge, adversity, and often pain. #motivation #motivate #inspire

We all have the same 24 hours. The only difference between the rich and the poor is how they use that time.

We all have the same 24 hours. The only difference between the rich and the poor is how they use that time. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Don't let others tell you what to do with your life. Question what you hear. Think for yourself.

Don't let others tell you what to do with your life. Question what you hear. Think for yourself. #motivation #motivate #inspire

More you give, more you receive.

More you give, more you receive. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Day you stop playing role of a victim, that’s the day you transform your life.

Day you stop playing role of a victim, that’s the day you transform your life. #motivation #motivate #inspire

As long as you are doing what's right, it doesn't matter if it is the right way or wrong way, right time or wrong time. Just start. You will always figure out the right way and right time.

As long as you are doing what's right, it doesn't matter if it is the right way or wrong way, right time or wrong time. Just start. You will always figure out the right way and right time. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you

Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you #motivation #motivate #inspire

Nobody is born with a clear idea of their strengths. You have to figure it out yourself, action by action, through trial and error, through doing and failing. And, once you find what you are good at, you are unstoppable.

Nobody is born with a clear idea of their strengths. You have to figure it out yourself, action by action, through trial and error, through doing and failing. And, once you find what you are good at, you are unstoppable. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Keep your word. Don't make promises you can't keep. If you commit to something, deliver.

Keep your word. Don't make promises you can't keep. If you commit to something, deliver. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Those who persevere and succeed are just as worried, scared and anxious as anyone else. Only thing different about them is they take just one more step than they feel they are capable of. And then one more. No matter what, they don't stop.

Those who persevere and succeed are just as worried, scared and anxious as anyone else. Only thing different about them is they take just one more step than they feel they are capable of. And then one more. No matter what, they don't stop. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Live and experience each day of your life as a new year’s day. Bring same amount of energy, enthusiasm, ambition you feel today to everyday of .

Live and experience each day of your life as a new year’s day. Bring same amount of energy, enthusiasm, ambition you feel today to everyday of . #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you do what everybody else does, you get what everybody else gets. Do the hard thing.

If you do what everybody else does, you get what everybody else gets. Do the hard thing. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Do everything in moderation, except work.

Do everything in moderation, except work. #motivation #motivate #inspire

When you give up, you are giving up on yourself, you are abandoning your own ship.

When you give up, you are giving up on yourself, you are abandoning your own ship. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Everyone has to believe in something. If you want to succeed, believe in you.

Everyone has to believe in something. If you want to succeed, believe in you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, January 23, 2023

Difference between success and failure is simple: habits.

Difference between success and failure is simple: habits. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You learn far more from loss, failure, losing than from gains, success, winning.

You learn far more from loss, failure, losing than from gains, success, winning. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don’t stand still. Don’t wait to be told what to do next. Grow. Learn. Be proactive. Give your 100% to whatever you are doing. Keep your momentum going. It’s not about your talent or connections or looks, it’s about how hungry you are for success, and what are you doing about it?

Don’t stand still. Don’t wait to be told what to do next. Grow. Learn. Be proactive. Give your 100% to whatever you are doing. Keep your momentum going. It’s not about your talent or connections or looks, it’s about how hungry you are for success, and what are you doing about it? #motivation #motivate #inspire

Think of your day as a movie. At the end of the day, run the movie backwards from this moment, back to when you got up. What did you learn today? Spending these few minutes daily will get stuff out of your head, make you learn lessons of today and you will sleep better.

Think of your day as a movie. At the end of the day, run the movie backwards from this moment, back to when you got up. What did you learn today? Spending these few minutes daily will get stuff out of your head, make you learn lessons of today and you will sleep better. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Get ready. Your time is coming.

Get ready. Your time is coming. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Each one of us has a need and a want. Need converts to want. It's the power of your want that drives your success. Be clear what your needs are. Be clear what you want. Write it down. Start. Now.

Each one of us has a need and a want. Need converts to want. It's the power of your want that drives your success. Be clear what your needs are. Be clear what you want. Write it down. Start. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, January 22, 2023

When you feel like giving up, keep going. You have what it takes.

When you feel like giving up, keep going. You have what it takes. #motivation #motivate #inspire

When you get up, let your first thought be: No matter what, I am going to make today a great day!

When you get up, let your first thought be: No matter what, I am going to make today a great day! #motivation #motivate #inspire

What happens when you don’t get things done? Anxiety - how am I going to get it done on time? Depression- I haven’t accomplished anything meaningful. Sleep problems - I am awake thinking of all the things I have to do. If you want to succeed, get things done. Start. Now.

What happens when you don’t get things done? Anxiety - how am I going to get it done on time? Depression- I haven’t accomplished anything meaningful. Sleep problems - I am awake thinking of all the things I have to do. If you want to succeed, get things done. Start. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Stop spending your energy on things that don’t matter. Start saying yes to things that are going to move you along on your path to success. Remember you can do everything but not at the same time. Not everything is equally important.

Stop spending your energy on things that don’t matter. Start saying yes to things that are going to move you along on your path to success. Remember you can do everything but not at the same time. Not everything is equally important. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Every next level of your life will demand a different you.

Every next level of your life will demand a different you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Talk less. Think more. Work more.

Talk less. Think more. Work more. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Everyone has the same 24 hours. How you use your time determines how successful you are going to be.

Everyone has the same 24 hours. How you use your time determines how successful you are going to be. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Start small. All big things start small.

Start small. All big things start small. #motivation #motivate #inspire

A life without something to hope for is a life without success. No matter what circumstances you face, no matter how hard it gets, have something to hope for and keep working hard.

A life without something to hope for is a life without success. No matter what circumstances you face, no matter how hard it gets, have something to hope for and keep working hard. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you want people to follow you, help them achieve their potential, not your expectations.

If you want people to follow you, help them achieve their potential, not your expectations. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Listen to everyone but choose to do what your gut tells you to do. You are the only person who knows what you want. If you don't take responsibility for your dreams and goals, who else will?

Listen to everyone but choose to do what your gut tells you to do. You are the only person who knows what you want. If you don't take responsibility for your dreams and goals, who else will? #motivation #motivate #inspire

May your haters live long to see your success

May your haters live long to see your success #motivation #motivate #inspire

Self knowledge will make you a fortune.

Self knowledge will make you a fortune. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, January 20, 2023

Fight for your dreams. You may not be in control of what life throws at you but you are in control of the fight.

Fight for your dreams. You may not be in control of what life throws at you but you are in control of the fight. #motivation #motivate #inspire

An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan - Warren buffet

An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan - Warren buffet #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your long-term goals will save you from your short-term failures.

Your long-term goals will save you from your short-term failures. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don’t tell people your plans. Show them your results

Don’t tell people your plans. Show them your results #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you have a dream, you have the power to choose to do something each day to get closer to your goal. Make sure your dreams are crystal clear. Write them down. Then get on it. And never quit. Start. Now.

If you have a dream, you have the power to choose to do something each day to get closer to your goal. Make sure your dreams are crystal clear. Write them down. Then get on it. And never quit. Start. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Easy money, easy come, easy go. Stay away from quick-rich schemes.

Easy money, easy come, easy go. Stay away from quick-rich schemes. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Be real. People can always tell when you are not being sincere.

Be real. People can always tell when you are not being sincere. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Success creates complexity. Complexity is the silent killer of success. To keep growing, keep things simple and focused. Only a few things matter, focus on that and let go of everything else.

Success creates complexity. Complexity is the silent killer of success. To keep growing, keep things simple and focused. Only a few things matter, focus on that and let go of everything else. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Hustle more Complain less

Hustle more Complain less #motivation #motivate #inspire

It's okay to copy an idea. Secret is to execute it better.

It's okay to copy an idea. Secret is to execute it better. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Big things often have small beginnings

Big things often have small beginnings #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't blame. Blaming means you are passing responsibility for your life to someone else. Take 100% responsibility for your success.

Don't blame. Blaming means you are passing responsibility for your life to someone else. Take 100% responsibility for your success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

As long as you are alive, you have it in you. Never give up.

As long as you are alive, you have it in you. Never give up. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Surround yourself with people who support you. Hang out with people who inspire you.

Surround yourself with people who support you. Hang out with people who inspire you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

As you grow, you have two choices: get cash or get experience. Take experience. Cash comes, later, a lot of it.

As you grow, you have two choices: get cash or get experience. Take experience. Cash comes, later, a lot of it. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Harder you work, greater stamina you build.

Harder you work, greater stamina you build. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Greatest success can be achieved only when you pursue something greater than yourself that makes a difference in the lives of others.

Greatest success can be achieved only when you pursue something greater than yourself that makes a difference in the lives of others. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There is much you can’t control in your life. But there is one thing that you do control: your choices. And it makes all the difference in your life.

There is much you can’t control in your life. But there is one thing that you do control: your choices. And it makes all the difference in your life. #motivation #motivate #inspire

if you want to be strong, learn to fight alone.

if you want to be strong, learn to fight alone. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Signs of self-defeating thinking: That person doesn’t like me so nobody likes me. Something went wrong so I am not good at anything. How to fix it: Stop criticizing yourself. Stop comparing yourself with others. Focus on your strengths.

Signs of self-defeating thinking: That person doesn’t like me so nobody likes me. Something went wrong so I am not good at anything. How to fix it: Stop criticizing yourself. Stop comparing yourself with others. Focus on your strengths. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Failure, meSuccess, you Great success, us

Failure, meSuccess, you Great success, us #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

You don't get what you deserve in business. You get what you negotiate.

You don't get what you deserve in business. You get what you negotiate. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Our ego is trained to reject anything that doesn’t deliver instant gratification. You’ve got to sacrifice short-term pleasures for long-term gains.

Our ego is trained to reject anything that doesn’t deliver instant gratification. You’ve got to sacrifice short-term pleasures for long-term gains. #motivation #motivate #inspire

you get the life you work for, not the one you wish for.

you get the life you work for, not the one you wish for. #motivation #motivate #inspire

We make ourselves miserable when we pursue nothing more than our fleeting, insatiable desires. Seek something much bigger than your mere existence. Dream big. Dream of serving others. Dream of making others’ lives better. And, get on it. That’s what will bring you great success.

We make ourselves miserable when we pursue nothing more than our fleeting, insatiable desires. Seek something much bigger than your mere existence. Dream big. Dream of serving others. Dream of making others’ lives better. And, get on it. That’s what will bring you great success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

When you work hard, Good things happen

When you work hard, Good things happen #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't be ideal. Be real. Be you.

Don't be ideal. Be real. Be you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

On your path to success, don’t expect a time when you will be free from struggle, free from pain of change, free from worry. Higher you climb, more failure you will experience. But why else were you born with a restless soul? Have faith. Keep climbing.

On your path to success, don’t expect a time when you will be free from struggle, free from pain of change, free from worry. Higher you climb, more failure you will experience. But why else were you born with a restless soul? Have faith. Keep climbing. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, January 16, 2023

No one individual is the font of all wisdom. Stay humble. Stay learning. Stay succeeding.

No one individual is the font of all wisdom. Stay humble. Stay learning. Stay succeeding. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It's your focus, not your fate, that guides you.

It's your focus, not your fate, that guides you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you don’t believe In yourself, who will?

If you don’t believe In yourself, who will? #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don’t talk bad about people behind their back. Don’t gossip. Unless you say it to people’s face, keep your mouth shut.

Don’t talk bad about people behind their back. Don’t gossip. Unless you say it to people’s face, keep your mouth shut. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you want to succeed, don't live your life based on someone else's expectations.

If you want to succeed, don't live your life based on someone else's expectations. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You know you are lucky when you have something or someone that makes saying goodbye so hard.

You know you are lucky when you have something or someone that makes saying goodbye so hard. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Nobody knows what future holds but that doesn't mean you give up. Future is yours to create. With your actions today. Now.

Nobody knows what future holds but that doesn't mean you give up. Future is yours to create. With your actions today. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

All we need is confidence. - Charlie brown

All we need is confidence. - Charlie brown #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you want to be busy, do more. If you want to succeed, do more of things that matter.

If you want to be busy, do more. If you want to succeed, do more of things that matter. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Great success needs meaning, purpose, passion. Don’t look for that meaning, that purpose in your head. Meaning and purpose live in your heart. Your heart is what brings you ecstasy of passion.

Great success needs meaning, purpose, passion. Don’t look for that meaning, that purpose in your head. Meaning and purpose live in your heart. Your heart is what brings you ecstasy of passion. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your body and mind are constantly absorbing energy from other people. If you don’t feel good around someone, trust your gut. Stay away from them.

Your body and mind are constantly absorbing energy from other people. If you don’t feel good around someone, trust your gut. Stay away from them. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Most profitable businesses are those that exist to solve problems.

Most profitable businesses are those that exist to solve problems. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Too many people buy what they don't need with money they don't have trying to impress people they don't even like. Be you.

Too many people buy what they don't need with money they don't have trying to impress people they don't even like. Be you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, January 14, 2023

You notice things you focus on. You want to buy something, that’s all you will start noticing all around you. Our mind brings into focus what we are interested in. If your mind doesn’t know what you want, it can’t help you. Success requires clear purpose & then relentless focus.

You notice things you focus on. You want to buy something, that’s all you will start noticing all around you. Our mind brings into focus what we are interested in. If your mind doesn’t know what you want, it can’t help you. Success requires clear purpose & then relentless focus. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Even if you don’t feel like doing it. Like doing it. Get things done

Even if you don’t feel like doing it. Like doing it. Get things done #motivation #motivate #inspire

Lose the excuses and you'll find your results

Lose the excuses and you'll find your results #motivation #motivate #inspire

Opportunities are all around you but you've got to show up.

Opportunities are all around you but you've got to show up. #motivation #motivate #inspire

how to fail? sloth envy resentment self-pity entitlement self-defeating attitude don’t compare blame complain

how to fail? sloth envy resentment self-pity entitlement self-defeating attitude don’t compare blame complain #motivation #motivate #inspire

You can do anything you want, but just because you can, does it mean you should? Be clear on what you want. Set goals. Focus. And obsess on execution.

You can do anything you want, but just because you can, does it mean you should? Be clear on what you want. Set goals. Focus. And obsess on execution. #motivation #motivate #inspire

fuck perfection, focus on progress.

fuck perfection, focus on progress. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, January 13, 2023

Sit with winners, The conversation Is different

Sit with winners, The conversation Is different #motivation #motivate #inspire

You either put in the work every single day or you dont. You gotta want it.

You either put in the work every single day or you dont. You gotta want it. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don’t run away from problems. Run towards your problems. Face them head on. Problems are the necessary steps on the road to your success.

Don’t run away from problems. Run towards your problems. Face them head on. Problems are the necessary steps on the road to your success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

That independent streak you’ve got? Don’t ever lose that. Or doubt it. It’s your greatest strength.

That independent streak you’ve got? Don’t ever lose that. Or doubt it. It’s your greatest strength. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Dont settle for what is ordinary. You can accomplish so much more.

Dont settle for what is ordinary. You can accomplish so much more. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Management by fear is intimidation, not management. When you use fear to manage others, soon nobody is going to tell you about leaks in the ship. That's how even biggest ships go under.

Management by fear is intimidation, not management. When you use fear to manage others, soon nobody is going to tell you about leaks in the ship. That's how even biggest ships go under. #motivation #motivate #inspire

One of the biggest lies:I will be happy when I have more money.

One of the biggest lies:I will be happy when I have more money. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There are extremely few things you actually “need.” Saying “I need” triggers our survival, panic mode. To grow, to succeed, focus on your wants, not needs. Stop saying “I need.” Start saying “I want.”

There are extremely few things you actually “need.” Saying “I need” triggers our survival, panic mode. To grow, to succeed, focus on your wants, not needs. Stop saying “I need.” Start saying “I want.” #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, January 12, 2023

HATE ME?? Go sit with the rest of the haters waiting for me to care..

HATE ME?? Go sit with the rest of the haters waiting for me to care.. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Everything you need to succeed is in you.

Everything you need to succeed is in you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don’t forget to smile at the haters 😃

Don’t forget to smile at the haters 😃 #motivation #motivate #inspire

Obstacles are going to come. You have to decide that you wont let them stop you. Youve come too far to give up now.

Obstacles are going to come. You have to decide that you wont let them stop you. Youve come too far to give up now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Take risks. Just don't go broke every time. Learn to manage risks. Take risks you can deal with.

Take risks. Just don't go broke every time. Learn to manage risks. Take risks you can deal with. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Best things in life aren’t things.

Best things in life aren’t things. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

That moment when you start feeling completely exhausted, frustrated, ready to quit, when you start thinking it would've been better if you'd never started, feeling jealous of others who never bother to achieve anything, that’s the moment your path to great success truly starts.

That moment when you start feeling completely exhausted, frustrated, ready to quit, when you start thinking it would've been better if you'd never started, feeling jealous of others who never bother to achieve anything, that’s the moment your path to great success truly starts. #motivation #motivate #inspire

No matter how successful you are, stay down to earth. Stay approachable. Stay accessible. Stay easy to talk to. Stay humble. Stay striving. Stay succeeding.

No matter how successful you are, stay down to earth. Stay approachable. Stay accessible. Stay easy to talk to. Stay humble. Stay striving. Stay succeeding. #motivation #motivate #inspire

the more you learn, the more you earn

the more you learn, the more you earn #motivation #motivate #inspire

Comparison is the thief of joy

Comparison is the thief of joy #motivation #motivate #inspire

Some of the biggest lies: I can’t do it It’s impossible It’s not my fault I am just not lucky I will do it tomorrow

Some of the biggest lies: I can’t do it It’s impossible It’s not my fault I am just not lucky I will do it tomorrow #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you chase two rabbits, both will escape. -Spanish proverb

If you chase two rabbits, both will escape. -Spanish proverb #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Don't make important decisions when you are hungry or tired.

Don't make important decisions when you are hungry or tired. #motivation #motivate #inspire

No success, no amount of money, no achievement is enough if you fail as a human.

No success, no amount of money, no achievement is enough if you fail as a human. #motivation #motivate #inspire

What comes out of your mouth comes into your life. Choose what you say carefully.

What comes out of your mouth comes into your life. Choose what you say carefully. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Stay humble (who am I) Stay hungry (where do I want to go) Stay hustling (how will I get there)

Stay humble (who am I) Stay hungry (where do I want to go) Stay hustling (how will I get there) #motivation #motivate #inspire

Some talk to you in their free time, And some free their time to talk to you

Some talk to you in their free time, And some free their time to talk to you #motivation #motivate #inspire

every day is opportunity to improve yourself

every day is opportunity to improve yourself #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, January 9, 2023

If you want to succeed, focus on what is in your control.

If you want to succeed, focus on what is in your control. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Prove yourself to yourself. Not others.

Prove yourself to yourself. Not others. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You can't control most of your experiences but you do control what they mean to you. The way you respond to what happens to you is what determines the size of your success.

You can't control most of your experiences but you do control what they mean to you. The way you respond to what happens to you is what determines the size of your success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Try not saying anything negative about anybody for a week.

Try not saying anything negative about anybody for a week. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Take responsibility for your success. It's nobody's job, only yours.

Take responsibility for your success. It's nobody's job, only yours. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Simplicity = speed.

Simplicity = speed. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Everyday, try to help someone who can’t reciprocate your kindness.

Everyday, try to help someone who can’t reciprocate your kindness. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You can't score a goal unless you have one.

You can't score a goal unless you have one. #motivation #motivate #inspire

make your happiness a priority

make your happiness a priority #motivation #motivate #inspire

Opportunities are all around you but you’ve got to show up.

Opportunities are all around you but you’ve got to show up. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You can’t push anyone up a ladder.

You can’t push anyone up a ladder. #motivation #motivate #inspire

No shortage of opportunities for those who are dependable. Be reliable.

No shortage of opportunities for those who are dependable. Be reliable. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, January 7, 2023

When you win, say nothing, when you lose, say less

When you win, say nothing, when you lose, say less #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don’t give up. Your day will come. It’s just a matter of time

Don’t give up. Your day will come. It’s just a matter of time #motivation #motivate #inspire

No: I can't take this any more. I quit. Yes: I can do it! I am doing it. If you want to succeed, practice positive self-talk all day.

No: I can't take this any more. I quit. Yes: I can do it! I am doing it. If you want to succeed, practice positive self-talk all day. #motivation #motivate #inspire

People trust people who openly share their mistakes, their failures, their weaknesses.

People trust people who openly share their mistakes, their failures, their weaknesses. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Obstacles inside you, fear and doubt, are the ones that you need to overcome before you can overcome the obstacles outside of you.

Obstacles inside you, fear and doubt, are the ones that you need to overcome before you can overcome the obstacles outside of you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It's never too late to start. You are never too old.

It's never too late to start. You are never too old. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, January 6, 2023

Once you reach the top of the mountain, you only go down. If you want to stay successful, stop thinking you have made it to the top. Stay humble, keep striving, keep climbing.

Once you reach the top of the mountain, you only go down. If you want to stay successful, stop thinking you have made it to the top. Stay humble, keep striving, keep climbing. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Give. Not only it is the right thing to do, the more you give, the more you get.

Give. Not only it is the right thing to do, the more you give, the more you get. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your past doesn’t determine your future. All possibilities are open. One small step after another. And, never stopping.

Your past doesn’t determine your future. All possibilities are open. One small step after another. And, never stopping. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It’s not about ideas. It’s about making idea happen

It’s not about ideas. It’s about making idea happen #motivation #motivate #inspire

One of the biggest lies: I can't control myself when I get angry and start screaming. If you want to succeed, learn to manage your emotions.

One of the biggest lies: I can't control myself when I get angry and start screaming. If you want to succeed, learn to manage your emotions. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There is no success without failure. So prepare to fail. And, organize so that a failure won’t kill you. Survive. Grow. Succeed.

There is no success without failure. So prepare to fail. And, organize so that a failure won’t kill you. Survive. Grow. Succeed. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Retweet if youre not stopping until you achieve your dreams.

Retweet if youre not stopping until you achieve your dreams. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Have big dreams, big hopes for the future. Dream as big, as impossible, as you can. And then some more.

Have big dreams, big hopes for the future. Dream as big, as impossible, as you can. And then some more. #motivation #motivate #inspire

When you really want something, you find a way. When you don't really want something, you find an excuse.

When you really want something, you find a way. When you don't really want something, you find an excuse. #motivation #motivate #inspire

A positive attitude brings much gratitude! Think positive, Be positive, Speak positive and stay positive. Do it every day and do it big

A positive attitude brings much gratitude! Think positive, Be positive, Speak positive and stay positive. Do it every day and do it big #motivation #motivate #inspire

Work your hardest. Think your smartest. Dream your biggest. Be your greatest. Love your fullest. Smile your brightest

Work your hardest. Think your smartest. Dream your biggest. Be your greatest. Love your fullest. Smile your brightest #motivation #motivate #inspire

everyone wants to be successful until they see what it takes

everyone wants to be successful until they see what it takes #motivation #motivate #inspire

A day to be grateful. Today. A reminder that we are here for more than just living our life. In gratitude.

A day to be grateful. Today. A reminder that we are here for more than just living our life. In gratitude. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Someone who wants the best for you is what's best for you. Always Remember that

Someone who wants the best for you is what's best for you. Always Remember that #motivation #motivate #inspire

You can have any amount of success if you help enough people to succeed.

You can have any amount of success if you help enough people to succeed. #motivation #motivate #inspire

To succeed, find something you love to do because if you are having fun, you won't mind working a lot harder.

To succeed, find something you love to do because if you are having fun, you won't mind working a lot harder. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Nothing great is going to happen until you bring a sense of urgency to whatever you do.

Nothing great is going to happen until you bring a sense of urgency to whatever you do. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Everyone changes. Secret of success is to change before you have to.

Everyone changes. Secret of success is to change before you have to. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You have to work hard for what you want and twice as hard to keep it

You have to work hard for what you want and twice as hard to keep it #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Focus, passion, commitment, hard work, success.

Focus, passion, commitment, hard work, success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Fuck negativity. Focus on the good.

Fuck negativity. Focus on the good. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don’t chase respect. Do the right thing, respect will find you.

Don’t chase respect. Do the right thing, respect will find you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Nobody is born genius. Genius of great success materializes out of painful trial and error, hard work, long hours and an insatiable desire to do everything the best way possible, never satisfied, never content, always moving forward.

Nobody is born genius. Genius of great success materializes out of painful trial and error, hard work, long hours and an insatiable desire to do everything the best way possible, never satisfied, never content, always moving forward. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Time is not money. Time is far more valuable than money. You can always make more money when you run out of money. You can’t get more time when you run out of time. If you want to succeed, value your time.

Time is not money. Time is far more valuable than money. You can always make more money when you run out of money. You can’t get more time when you run out of time. If you want to succeed, value your time. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It’s time to shut out doubts and fears. It’s time to stop listening to what others say about you. It’s time to trust your instincts. It’s time to wake up your will power. It’s time to win.

It’s time to shut out doubts and fears. It’s time to stop listening to what others say about you. It’s time to trust your instincts. It’s time to wake up your will power. It’s time to win. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, January 2, 2023

If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.

If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Learn to write clearly. Clear writing is a sign of clear thinking. Clear thinking leads to great success.

Learn to write clearly. Clear writing is a sign of clear thinking. Clear thinking leads to great success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't talk bad about people behind their back. Don't gossip. Unless you say it to people's face, keep your mouth shut.

Don't talk bad about people behind their back. Don't gossip. Unless you say it to people's face, keep your mouth shut. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't let your self-esteem depend on what others think of you.

Don't let your self-esteem depend on what others think of you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Not everything you want to say, needs to be said

Not everything you want to say, needs to be said #motivation #motivate #inspire

Whatever you do, do it with great enthusiasm.

Whatever you do, do it with great enthusiasm. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Be self reliant. Success starts when you take responsibility for your life.

Be self reliant. Success starts when you take responsibility for your life. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You can never lose as long as you put your heart into whatever you do.

You can never lose as long as you put your heart into whatever you do. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don’t ask: Why is this happening? Ask: What can be done? What am I meant to learn from this?

Don’t ask: Why is this happening? Ask: What can be done? What am I meant to learn from this? #motivation #motivate #inspire

You can only make two mistakes on your path to success: not going all the way, and not starting.

You can only make two mistakes on your path to success: not going all the way, and not starting. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Hang out with people who believe you can.

Hang out with people who believe you can. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't make decisions about your life based on what others think. If you want to succeed, think for yourself.

Don't make decisions about your life based on what others think. If you want to succeed, think for yourself. #motivation #motivate #inspire