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Friday, September 2, 2022

How To Make Money Reviewing Apps


How To Make Money Reviewing Apps

How To Make Money Reviewing Apps? This might sound strange but try starting out reviewing apps absolutely free. Reviewing apps for free is a great way to learn about new products and services. It also helps developers improve their apps so that they’re better suited to your needs.

Find apps that interest you.

You can find apps that interest you by searching for them on Google Play or iTunes. If you search for “app review,” you’ll see a list of apps that people have reviewed. Look at the reviews and decide whether you’d like to try out the app. If you do, download it and install it on your phone. Once installed, open the app and start using it.

Read reviews about them.

After you’ve used the app, read through its reviews. This will give you insight into how other users feel about the app. It’s also a good idea to check out the ratings and comments left by other users. These will help you determine whether the app has any bugs or issues that need to be addressed before you use it again.

Write a review.

If you’re interested in writing reviews, there are plenty of websites where you can do so. You’ll find these sites listed at the end of each app description. Simply click on the link provided and follow the instructions.

Submit it.

There are several ways to make money online, but one of the easiest is to review apps. This is a great side hustle because you can work when you want, wherever you want. All you need is a smartphone with internet access.

Now To Actually Make Money Reviewing Apps

If you have an iPhone or an Android phone, then you can start making money right away. You just need to head to simply click on the link and follow the instructions. This is an opportunity for you to get hands-on with the latest apps and technologies. You will be required to download software from your tablet or phone, and test out all features in each app while also writing a review about its usability/ effectiveness so others can learn what they are missing!

You need to be able to access at least one of the following; iPhone, iPad, or Android Smartphone and tablet. With a contract length of no fixed term, you can expect rates between $25-35 per hour. The more complex the app and the detail required for review will affect these prices accordingly! The ideal candidate will have a smartphone or tablet, know how to install apps, and use them well enough that they can complete this job on their own. They should also be able to work independently with little guidance from anyone for 5 hours per week. Also, a reliable internet connection is needed!

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The post How To Make Money Reviewing Apps appeared first on Make Money.


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