Reviews Are Added Frequently So Check Back Soon!

Reviews Are Added Frequently So Check Back Soon!

Saturday, December 31, 2022

When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself

When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself #motivation #motivate #inspire

To attract better, you have to become better. You can't do the same things and expect change. Transform your mindset. Upgrade your habits.

To attract better, you have to become better. You can't do the same things and expect change. Transform your mindset. Upgrade your habits. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Every good thought you are thinking is contributing its share to ultimate result of your life.

Every good thought you are thinking is contributing its share to ultimate result of your life. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't copy others' way of doing things because everyone is different. Learn who you are and what makes you unique in your own way.

Don't copy others' way of doing things because everyone is different. Learn who you are and what makes you unique in your own way. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Never say mean words out of anger. Your anger will pass. But your mean words can scar a person for life. So use kind words or be silent..

Never say mean words out of anger. Your anger will pass. But your mean words can scar a person for life. So use kind words or be silent.. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Think for yourself. Stop reacting to what others say and do.

Think for yourself. Stop reacting to what others say and do. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, December 30, 2022

Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick, don’t lose the FAITH 🙏🏻 - Steve Jobs

Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick, don’t lose the FAITH 🙏🏻 - Steve Jobs #motivation #motivate #inspire

What you think about most of the time is what you become.

What you think about most of the time is what you become. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You are either using time or losing time.

You are either using time or losing time. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities. Secret of success is to get on the first opportunity that comes your way and start doing.

Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities. Secret of success is to get on the first opportunity that comes your way and start doing. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Find fault with yourself rather than with others.

Find fault with yourself rather than with others. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't talk bad about people behind their back. Don't gossip. Unless you say it to people's face, keep your mouth shut.

Don't talk bad about people behind their back. Don't gossip. Unless you say it to people's face, keep your mouth shut. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Chess is not always about winning, sometimes it’s simply about learning and so is life

Chess is not always about winning, sometimes it’s simply about learning and so is life #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Prepare yourself for success. You have to see it coming to get there

Prepare yourself for success. You have to see it coming to get there #motivation #motivate #inspire

Whatever you do, do it with urgency. Move fast. Act fast. It will energize you, motivate you and keep you on your path to success.

Whatever you do, do it with urgency. Move fast. Act fast. It will energize you, motivate you and keep you on your path to success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Focus on what you want, your expectations, what you are going to do with what you have. Not on what you deserve, what should be given to you without you having worked for it. That’s the difference between average and successful.

Focus on what you want, your expectations, what you are going to do with what you have. Not on what you deserve, what should be given to you without you having worked for it. That’s the difference between average and successful. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't let your happiness depend on something you may lose.

Don't let your happiness depend on something you may lose. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Our mind can’t tell the difference between an actual event and an imaginary event visualized. Top athletes often rehearse mentally before they actually perform. Their brain allows them to improve performance simply by seeing themselves doing it well, repeatedly, in their mind.

Our mind can’t tell the difference between an actual event and an imaginary event visualized. Top athletes often rehearse mentally before they actually perform. Their brain allows them to improve performance simply by seeing themselves doing it well, repeatedly, in their mind. #motivation #motivate #inspire

How can you fail when your failures are just lessons you are learning on your way to success?

How can you fail when your failures are just lessons you are learning on your way to success? #motivation #motivate #inspire

Do what you can, with what you have, from where you are. Start. Now.

Do what you can, with what you have, from where you are. Start. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your belief in your success influences your power of persistence. It is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Having a confident expectation of success will make obstacles melt before your eyes.

Your belief in your success influences your power of persistence. It is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Having a confident expectation of success will make obstacles melt before your eyes. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

All the hustle Late nights Missed parties Early mornings Will be worth it.

All the hustle Late nights Missed parties Early mornings Will be worth it. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Get rid of: I should I wish I can’t Choose: I can I create I am doing it

Get rid of: I should I wish I can’t Choose: I can I create I am doing it #motivation #motivate #inspire

Optimistic people live longer.

Optimistic people live longer. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Throughout the day, give yourself a mini motivational talk. It will keep you energized and motivated. Just keep reminding yourself that you are a top performer and you can do it. Yes, you can!

Throughout the day, give yourself a mini motivational talk. It will keep you energized and motivated. Just keep reminding yourself that you are a top performer and you can do it. Yes, you can! #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you want to truly succeed, forget about living a “balanced life.” Great success demands great imbalance.

If you want to truly succeed, forget about living a “balanced life.” Great success demands great imbalance. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Let us be thankful for adversity. That’s how we come face to face with who we really are and what really counts.

Let us be thankful for adversity. That’s how we come face to face with who we really are and what really counts. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Set some goals. Stay quiet about them. Smash them.

Set some goals. Stay quiet about them. Smash them. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Never assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak

Never assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak #motivation #motivate #inspire

Inspiration is an inside job.

Inspiration is an inside job. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You can be the best version of you. Or second rate version of someone else. There is no success in comparison. Focus on your strengths. Do your thing. Succeed.

You can be the best version of you. Or second rate version of someone else. There is no success in comparison. Focus on your strengths. Do your thing. Succeed. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you don't have a clear goal in life, you will end up working for someone who does.

If you don't have a clear goal in life, you will end up working for someone who does. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Be careful of those who tell you it's never your fault. That's how they control you. If you want to succeed, take responsibility for whatever is going on in your life.

Be careful of those who tell you it's never your fault. That's how they control you. If you want to succeed, take responsibility for whatever is going on in your life. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don’t waste your time figuring out what others are doing wrong. Look for what they are doing right.

Don’t waste your time figuring out what others are doing wrong. Look for what they are doing right. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, December 26, 2022

There is no success in impressing others. Don’t worry about how you look. Focus on what your real message is.

There is no success in impressing others. Don’t worry about how you look. Focus on what your real message is. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You've got to believe you are going to succeed. You know there will be obstacles. There will be pitfalls. Things will not go as planned. People will laugh at you. But you are not going to give up. Because you already know you are going to win.

You've got to believe you are going to succeed. You know there will be obstacles. There will be pitfalls. Things will not go as planned. People will laugh at you. But you are not going to give up. Because you already know you are going to win. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Successful people don’t get easily discouraged or overwhelmed because they never complain, because they too busy hustling, because they are always focused on what is in their control, because they take full responsibility for their life.

Successful people don’t get easily discouraged or overwhelmed because they never complain, because they too busy hustling, because they are always focused on what is in their control, because they take full responsibility for their life. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Succeeding is like dancing. Don't look at your feet to see if you are doing it right. Just do it.

Succeeding is like dancing. Don't look at your feet to see if you are doing it right. Just do it. #motivation #motivate #inspire

One day, it will all be worth it..

One day, it will all be worth it.. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope.

You can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, December 25, 2022

If you can dream it, you can do it.

If you can dream it, you can do it. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Dreams don't work unless you do.

Dreams don't work unless you do. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Forget your weaknesses. Stop fixing them. There is no success in dwelling on your weaknesses. Focus on your strengths. Build on your strengths. And, never quit.

Forget your weaknesses. Stop fixing them. There is no success in dwelling on your weaknesses. Focus on your strengths. Build on your strengths. And, never quit. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There is no success if you don't take a chance. No risk, no failure. No failure, no success.

There is no success if you don't take a chance. No risk, no failure. No failure, no success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It doesn't matter what task it is, if it is worth doing, it is worth doing it right. Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability.

It doesn't matter what task it is, if it is worth doing, it is worth doing it right. Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Respect comes not because you have done something great. Respect comes because you have done something right.

Respect comes not because you have done something great. Respect comes because you have done something right. #motivation #motivate #inspire

As soon as you open your eyes in the morning, remember to be grateful for being alive, to be here, to have another chance today to get it right.

As soon as you open your eyes in the morning, remember to be grateful for being alive, to be here, to have another chance today to get it right. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Take a few minutes today to write down what really matters to you.

Take a few minutes today to write down what really matters to you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Deep conversations with the right people are priceless

Deep conversations with the right people are priceless #motivation #motivate #inspire

Stop thinking what you don't have or what you can't do. Start with what you have, start from where you are, start with what you can. Start now.

Stop thinking what you don't have or what you can't do. Start with what you have, start from where you are, start with what you can. Start now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You make success happen when: You choose goals You focus on themYou see, visualize the end result in your mindYou direct your mind, your energyAnd, action, action, action You fail, you fall down, you sufferBut you pick yourself upAnd, action, action, action.

You make success happen when: You choose goals You focus on themYou see, visualize the end result in your mindYou direct your mind, your energyAnd, action, action, action You fail, you fall down, you sufferBut you pick yourself upAnd, action, action, action. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't say: I will be successful. Say: I am successful. No matter how you feel, no matter where you are in your life cycle, no matter what you have or don't, repeat all day: I am successful.

Don't say: I will be successful. Say: I am successful. No matter how you feel, no matter where you are in your life cycle, no matter what you have or don't, repeat all day: I am successful. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Worse a situation becomes, less it takes to turn it around—and bigger the upside. So hang tight, stay on it and don’t quit.

Worse a situation becomes, less it takes to turn it around—and bigger the upside. So hang tight, stay on it and don’t quit. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you want people to trust you, admit when you are wrong.

If you want people to trust you, admit when you are wrong. #motivation #motivate #inspire

To succeed, you need the courage to admit mistakes, faith to welcome change, enthusiasm to motivate others, commitment to stay true to your dreams and willingness to stay out of step when everyone else is marching to the wrong tune.

To succeed, you need the courage to admit mistakes, faith to welcome change, enthusiasm to motivate others, commitment to stay true to your dreams and willingness to stay out of step when everyone else is marching to the wrong tune. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, December 23, 2022

Take care of yourself, you are all you have

Take care of yourself, you are all you have #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't pretend to have all the answers. Nobody does. Keep leaning. Keep striving. Keep succeeding.

Don't pretend to have all the answers. Nobody does. Keep leaning. Keep striving. Keep succeeding. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Be honest. Especially when it is hard.

Be honest. Especially when it is hard. #motivation #motivate #inspire

One of the biggest lies: . That's just the way I am.†You are the way you are because you choose to be the way you are. You have the power to change, to adapt, to learn, to grow. And, to succeed.

One of the biggest lies: . That's just the way I am.†You are the way you are because you choose to be the way you are. You have the power to change, to adapt, to learn, to grow. And, to succeed. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Pursue not ideas but money in ideas. Execute. Execute. Execute.

Pursue not ideas but money in ideas. Execute. Execute. Execute. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday's pledge. Read aloud, now:I am grateful. I am humble. I don't gossip. I don't talk bad about anybody behind their back. I have faith. I am committed. I never give up.

Sunday's pledge. Read aloud, now:I am grateful. I am humble. I don't gossip. I don't talk bad about anybody behind their back. I have faith. I am committed. I never give up. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, December 22, 2022

When you feel like quitting, think about why you started

When you feel like quitting, think about why you started #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you can learn self control you can MASTER anything

If you can learn self control you can MASTER anything #motivation #motivate #inspire

When you look at most successful people, you likely don't see their journey, their pain, suffering, hardships, doubts, failures, how many times they were ready to quit. But they didn’t. That’s what made them successful. That’s what will create your great success. Don’t quit.

When you look at most successful people, you likely don't see their journey, their pain, suffering, hardships, doubts, failures, how many times they were ready to quit. But they didn’t. That’s what made them successful. That’s what will create your great success. Don’t quit. #motivation #motivate #inspire

To live a life you have never lived before, you have to do things you have never done before.

To live a life you have never lived before, you have to do things you have never done before. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Keep fighting for what you want. Never give up.

Keep fighting for what you want. Never give up. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Great success has nothing to do with your circumstances or your background or your talent. It has everything to do with the workings of your mind. Your mindset. Your beliefs. Your attitude. Your habits. Your motivation. Your success.

Great success has nothing to do with your circumstances or your background or your talent. It has everything to do with the workings of your mind. Your mindset. Your beliefs. Your attitude. Your habits. Your motivation. Your success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Time, not money, is the most important currency of your life.

Time, not money, is the most important currency of your life. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Lies are like sand. You can build a great building but if you built it on sand, it’s not going to stand for long. Trust is what creates rock solid foundation.

Lies are like sand. You can build a great building but if you built it on sand, it’s not going to stand for long. Trust is what creates rock solid foundation. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It's lonely at the top, but you eat better.

It's lonely at the top, but you eat better. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You make success happen when: You choose goals You focus on themYou see, visualize the end result in your mindYou direct your mind, your energyAnd, action, action, action You fail, you fall down, you sufferBut you pick yourself upAnd, action, action, action.

You make success happen when: You choose goals You focus on themYou see, visualize the end result in your mindYou direct your mind, your energyAnd, action, action, action You fail, you fall down, you sufferBut you pick yourself upAnd, action, action, action. #motivation #motivate #inspire

We are taught to be afraid from the time we are born. That's why we build an aversion to failure. Yet the only way even little babies learn is by trying, falling, getting up, falling again, getting up again. No success without failure. Don't give up.

We are taught to be afraid from the time we are born. That's why we build an aversion to failure. Yet the only way even little babies learn is by trying, falling, getting up, falling again, getting up again. No success without failure. Don't give up. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Be more interested in listening to others than you are in impressing them.

Be more interested in listening to others than you are in impressing them. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Take a paper. Start writing down your goals. Write fast. Don’t be afraid of wanting too much. Keep on writing. Write from your heart. Make the list as long as you want. Simplify it & do it daily. Now watch how your enthusiasm, persistence and hard work make your goals happen.

Take a paper. Start writing down your goals. Write fast. Don’t be afraid of wanting too much. Keep on writing. Write from your heart. Make the list as long as you want. Simplify it & do it daily. Now watch how your enthusiasm, persistence and hard work make your goals happen. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Never reveal everything you know

Never reveal everything you know #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you want to succeed, people must respect you. You can’t demand respect. You have to earn it. With what you do. One action at a time. Keep your promises.

If you want to succeed, people must respect you. You can’t demand respect. You have to earn it. With what you do. One action at a time. Keep your promises. #motivation #motivate #inspire

We tell ourselves stories about who we are and what we want. If this story is unsatisfying, we suffer. Make sure you are the writer of your story, nobody else. That's what will keep you on your path to great success no matter what obstacles, challenges you face.

We tell ourselves stories about who we are and what we want. If this story is unsatisfying, we suffer. Make sure you are the writer of your story, nobody else. That's what will keep you on your path to great success no matter what obstacles, challenges you face. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you know where you are going, you have a much higher chance of getting there.

If you know where you are going, you have a much higher chance of getting there. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Japanese have a saying: each day is a lifetime. You wake up in the morning newly born. As you pass through the day, you age, you gain experience, you learn. What you do today, how you do it, shapes your whole life. Live each day, each minute fully as if it matters.

Japanese have a saying: each day is a lifetime. You wake up in the morning newly born. As you pass through the day, you age, you gain experience, you learn. What you do today, how you do it, shapes your whole life. Live each day, each minute fully as if it matters. #motivation #motivate #inspire

master your mind or it will master you

master your mind or it will master you #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, December 19, 2022

Performing at a higher level can be like being a rocket on a launchpad, experiencing ticktock of the countdown. You don't overcome this anxiety by 'relaxing.†Instead get energized. Get pumped up. Get excited. Go now.

Performing at a higher level can be like being a rocket on a launchpad, experiencing ticktock of the countdown. You don't overcome this anxiety by 'relaxing.†Instead get energized. Get pumped up. Get excited. Go now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? #motivation #motivate #inspire

Mindset is Key - The key to happiness - The key to succes - The key to a fulfilled life

Mindset is Key - The key to happiness - The key to succes - The key to a fulfilled life #motivation #motivate #inspire

Dream big

Dream big #motivation #motivate #inspire

Face your problems Don’t Facebook them

Face your problems Don’t Facebook them #motivation #motivate #inspire

When naysayers are giving you all the reasons you need to quit, you are listening to them because they are giving you the easy way out, giving you permission to quit. Revoke that permission. Because you are never going to quit. Never, ever.

When naysayers are giving you all the reasons you need to quit, you are listening to them because they are giving you the easy way out, giving you permission to quit. Revoke that permission. Because you are never going to quit. Never, ever. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Don’t think of the cost Think of the value

Don’t think of the cost Think of the value #motivation #motivate #inspire

Success is not just how high you climb but how many people you bring with you.

Success is not just how high you climb but how many people you bring with you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Mozart was dirt poor. Henry Ford had no capital. Walt Disney was fired for not being creative. Albert Einstein was a lowly clerk. Pablo Picasso was depressed. Thomas Edison kept failing. Vincent van Gogh could not sell any of his paintings. Yet they never quit. Nor will you.

Mozart was dirt poor. Henry Ford had no capital. Walt Disney was fired for not being creative. Albert Einstein was a lowly clerk. Pablo Picasso was depressed. Thomas Edison kept failing. Vincent van Gogh could not sell any of his paintings. Yet they never quit. Nor will you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You are stronger than you think.

You are stronger than you think. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You can't learn when you are talking. Listen more, talk less.

You can't learn when you are talking. Listen more, talk less. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your character is who you are when nobody is looking.

Your character is who you are when nobody is looking. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Keep your head up. Your day is coming

Keep your head up. Your day is coming #motivation #motivate #inspire

Never doubt yourself or your mission

Never doubt yourself or your mission #motivation #motivate #inspire

No one successful has had a straight path

No one successful has had a straight path #motivation #motivate #inspire

Laughter is the canary in the mine of success. If you are not laughing a few times a day, something is wrong.

Laughter is the canary in the mine of success. If you are not laughing a few times a day, something is wrong. #motivation #motivate #inspire

When you share what you have, it magically comes back to you manifold.

When you share what you have, it magically comes back to you manifold. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Try to say nothing negative about anybody for three days, for forty-five days, for three months. See what happens to your life. -Yoko Ono

Try to say nothing negative about anybody for three days, for forty-five days, for three months. See what happens to your life. -Yoko Ono #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, December 16, 2022

Be willing to walk alone. Many who started with you, won't finish with you.

Be willing to walk alone. Many who started with you, won't finish with you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There is no success in the Island of Someday. Someday I will do this. Someday I will do that. Time to do is today. Now.

There is no success in the Island of Someday. Someday I will do this. Someday I will do that. Time to do is today. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

A wise man can always be found alone. A weak man is always found in a crowd.

A wise man can always be found alone. A weak man is always found in a crowd. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Top excuses: I am too old Too young Too short Too tall Too fat Too thin I am not as good as... I am not as attractive as... I don't have... I don’t know anybody who can help me... I don't have time I will do it tomorrow I am never going to change so I just give up.

Top excuses: I am too old Too young Too short Too tall Too fat Too thin I am not as good as... I am not as attractive as... I don't have... I don’t know anybody who can help me... I don't have time I will do it tomorrow I am never going to change so I just give up. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Believe in your abilities even if no one else will.

Believe in your abilities even if no one else will. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't trust people who can't control themselves. Their word means nothing.

Don't trust people who can't control themselves. Their word means nothing. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Everyday before you enter the world of action, sit down for a few moments, close your eyes and visualize yourself performing at a very high level. Visualizing success will get you focused on solutions and motivate you. Try it for a month and see your life transform.

Everyday before you enter the world of action, sit down for a few moments, close your eyes and visualize yourself performing at a very high level. Visualizing success will get you focused on solutions and motivate you. Try it for a month and see your life transform. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Don't ever be afraid to show who you really are, because as long as you are happy with yourself, no one else's opinion matters

Don't ever be afraid to show who you really are, because as long as you are happy with yourself, no one else's opinion matters #motivation #motivate #inspire

The key to success is to start before you are ready.

The key to success is to start before you are ready. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Dreams don't work unless you do

Dreams don't work unless you do #motivation #motivate #inspire

Two reasons most people fail:They are not using their strengths. They quit too soon.

Two reasons most people fail:They are not using their strengths. They quit too soon. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Focus on: What you can control What you want What you can do

Focus on: What you can control What you want What you can do #motivation #motivate #inspire

Make your hustle louder than your mouth

Make your hustle louder than your mouth #motivation #motivate #inspire

One of the biggest lies: I can't control myself when I get angry and start screaming. If you want to succeed, learn to manage your emotions.

One of the biggest lies: I can't control myself when I get angry and start screaming. If you want to succeed, learn to manage your emotions. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

you can't win if you are afraid to lose

you can't win if you are afraid to lose #motivation #motivate #inspire

Optimism is one of the key foundations of success. Optimism starts when you take responsibility for your actions.

Optimism is one of the key foundations of success. Optimism starts when you take responsibility for your actions. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Optimism is not about getting from here to there. Optimism is that voice in your head that gives you the green light to chase your dreams. Be realistic but be an optimist. Remind yourself everyday: your best times are still to come.

Optimism is not about getting from here to there. Optimism is that voice in your head that gives you the green light to chase your dreams. Be realistic but be an optimist. Remind yourself everyday: your best times are still to come. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you are not thriving in life, it's a sign your battery is running low. What charges your life's battery? Motivation, enthusiasm, gratitude, clear goals, hard work.

If you are not thriving in life, it's a sign your battery is running low. What charges your life's battery? Motivation, enthusiasm, gratitude, clear goals, hard work. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Think for yourself. Doing what everyone else is doing will only bring average results.

Think for yourself. Doing what everyone else is doing will only bring average results. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Always remember: you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think

Always remember: you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think #motivation #motivate #inspire

At least once a day, laugh at yourself. Take your work seriously, not yourself.

At least once a day, laugh at yourself. Take your work seriously, not yourself. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Do one thing today that you have been talking about doing forever.

Do one thing today that you have been talking about doing forever. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

You are meeting someone and instead of listening alertly, you are thinking of an earlier argument you had with your partner. Or what you are going to have for lunch. Or that email you forgot to reply to. If you want to succeed, pay attention, listen, focus on now.

You are meeting someone and instead of listening alertly, you are thinking of an earlier argument you had with your partner. Or what you are going to have for lunch. Or that email you forgot to reply to. If you want to succeed, pay attention, listen, focus on now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

One way to instantly feel better is to care for others.

One way to instantly feel better is to care for others. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You can be nobody from nowhere. Yet you have as much in you as anybody else. It's not the talent or where you went to school that matters. What matters is how much stamina you've got, how determined you are and how hard you are working.

You can be nobody from nowhere. Yet you have as much in you as anybody else. It's not the talent or where you went to school that matters. What matters is how much stamina you've got, how determined you are and how hard you are working. #motivation #motivate #inspire

No matter where you came from, what school you went to or not, what talent you think you have or not, none of this matters. You have the same opportunity to improve your life and succeed as did others who succeeded. Just be sure of what you want and then don't stop.

No matter where you came from, what school you went to or not, what talent you think you have or not, none of this matters. You have the same opportunity to improve your life and succeed as did others who succeeded. Just be sure of what you want and then don't stop. #motivation #motivate #inspire

What are you doing that is making a difference in other people’s lives?

What are you doing that is making a difference in other people’s lives? #motivation #motivate #inspire

It’s alright to take a break. Just don’t quit

It’s alright to take a break. Just don’t quit #motivation #motivate #inspire

Great success is yours when you do a few things well. Success is all about focus.

Great success is yours when you do a few things well. Success is all about focus. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, December 12, 2022

Know the difference between frugal and cheap. Cheap is focusing on cost. Frugal is focusing on value. To succeed, be frugal.

Know the difference between frugal and cheap. Cheap is focusing on cost. Frugal is focusing on value. To succeed, be frugal. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Failure is a cost of doing business.

Failure is a cost of doing business. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You are the only one responsible to create your success.

You are the only one responsible to create your success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

What you think about most of the time is what you become.

What you think about most of the time is what you become. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Most people are too busy doing things that are not important to their success.

Most people are too busy doing things that are not important to their success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Expect nothing. Appreciate everything.

Expect nothing. Appreciate everything. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Discipline is the foundation of success. Discipline is doing the work. Do what you need to do and keep doing it until you accomplish your goals.

Discipline is the foundation of success. Discipline is doing the work. Do what you need to do and keep doing it until you accomplish your goals. #motivation #motivate #inspire

focus on yourself. never stop growing.

focus on yourself. never stop growing. #motivation #motivate #inspire

The less you reveal The more they wonder

The less you reveal The more they wonder #motivation #motivate #inspire

Fear is temporary. Regret is forever.

Fear is temporary. Regret is forever. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Focus on what you want, not when you are going to get it. Want. And action. Now.

Focus on what you want, not when you are going to get it. Want. And action. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You don’t see things as they are. You see things as you think, as you feel, as you believe. Remember that next time you are about to complain that nothing works, that you are a failure, that you aren’t going to succeed.

You don’t see things as they are. You see things as you think, as you feel, as you believe. Remember that next time you are about to complain that nothing works, that you are a failure, that you aren’t going to succeed. #motivation #motivate #inspire

RT @mindset_abc: Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous. -Einstein

RT @mindset_abc: Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous. -Einstein #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, December 10, 2022

One of the most satisfying experiences in life is doing something when no one thought it was in you.

One of the most satisfying experiences in life is doing something when no one thought it was in you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You are the CEO of your life. Five ways to be good at it: Focus and attention Planning and organization Adapt to change Keep feelings in check Control your impulse

You are the CEO of your life. Five ways to be good at it: Focus and attention Planning and organization Adapt to change Keep feelings in check Control your impulse #motivation #motivate #inspire

Even the most expensive watch still shows sixty minutes in every hour.

Even the most expensive watch still shows sixty minutes in every hour. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Understanding is more important than knowing.

Understanding is more important than knowing. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Lose yourself in what you are learning. Become the thing you are learning. Success is in learning. Keep learning. Keep striving. Keep succeeding.

Lose yourself in what you are learning. Become the thing you are learning. Success is in learning. Keep learning. Keep striving. Keep succeeding. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't worry about defeating others. Focus on what you can achieve.

Don't worry about defeating others. Focus on what you can achieve. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, December 9, 2022

Don't let your past steal your present

Don't let your past steal your present #motivation #motivate #inspire

Working hard, working long hours is not bad for your health as long as you have a strong purpose. Long hours become workaholism only when work and purpose get disconnected. Purpose, hard work and great success go together.

Working hard, working long hours is not bad for your health as long as you have a strong purpose. Long hours become workaholism only when work and purpose get disconnected. Purpose, hard work and great success go together. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Everyone you meet has something to teach you. Just ask: 'how did you get into what you do?†And then listen.

Everyone you meet has something to teach you. Just ask: 'how did you get into what you do?†And then listen. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Keep moving Forward

Keep moving Forward #motivation #motivate #inspire

Direction is more important than speed

Direction is more important than speed #motivation #motivate #inspire

Read and listen only to what increases your belief in you and your future.

Read and listen only to what increases your belief in you and your future. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Never take success for granted. Success is never permanent. Keep striving.

Never take success for granted. Success is never permanent. Keep striving. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Beauty is goodness, manifestation of divine perfection, miracle of life. Beauty is the answer to boldness of a blooming flower that strives to grow & glow no matter what.

Beauty is goodness, manifestation of divine perfection, miracle of life. Beauty is the answer to boldness of a blooming flower that strives to grow & glow no matter what. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Success never results in fewer problems. Just different problems. Remember if there were no problems, there would be no opportunities.

Success never results in fewer problems. Just different problems. Remember if there were no problems, there would be no opportunities. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It's never too late to start. You are never too old.

It's never too late to start. You are never too old. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Better days are coming. You have been through a lot. Now it’s time for you to shine

Better days are coming. You have been through a lot. Now it’s time for you to shine #motivation #motivate #inspire

Hard work + Vision + Dedication = Success.

Hard work + Vision + Dedication = Success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Surround yourself with smart people.

Surround yourself with smart people. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Hangout with people who force you to level up.

Hangout with people who force you to level up. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Never give up... Great things take time

Never give up... Great things take time #motivation #motivate #inspire

Best way to get rid of anxiety is to work hard.

Best way to get rid of anxiety is to work hard. #motivation #motivate #inspire

“Culture” originally meant cultivation, tilling, tending of land. Over time, its meaning changed to cultivation of yourself, of your mind. Learning is what helps you keep cultivating, growing your success. Keep learning. Keep succeeding.

“Culture” originally meant cultivation, tilling, tending of land. Over time, its meaning changed to cultivation of yourself, of your mind. Learning is what helps you keep cultivating, growing your success. Keep learning. Keep succeeding. #motivation #motivate #inspire

All your failures, falls and hardships have been wasted only if you have not learnt from them.

All your failures, falls and hardships have been wasted only if you have not learnt from them. #motivation #motivate #inspire

you weren't made to be average

you weren't made to be average #motivation #motivate #inspire

Without rain. Nothing grows. Learn to embrace the storms of your life.

Without rain. Nothing grows. Learn to embrace the storms of your life. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Smile when you are under stress. It will reduce your stress and keep you focused on whatever you are trying to get done.

Smile when you are under stress. It will reduce your stress and keep you focused on whatever you are trying to get done. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Others will respect you when you show them how you want them to treat you.

Others will respect you when you show them how you want them to treat you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

More you focus on helping others succeed, the more you succeed.

More you focus on helping others succeed, the more you succeed. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Confidence makes you sexy 😉

Confidence makes you sexy 😉 #motivation #motivate #inspire

We spend an average of about 1,000 hours at work during our lifetime. Make sure whatever you do is: 1) what makes you come alive 2) uses the unique gift that you bring to this world 3) engages you and energizes you.

We spend an average of about 1,000 hours at work during our lifetime. Make sure whatever you do is: 1) what makes you come alive 2) uses the unique gift that you bring to this world 3) engages you and energizes you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Nothing happens in our lives without self-confidence. Self-confidence grows through preparation and hard work. Confidence is self-belief that you can do whatever you choose to do.

Nothing happens in our lives without self-confidence. Self-confidence grows through preparation and hard work. Confidence is self-belief that you can do whatever you choose to do. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, December 5, 2022

To succeed, know where you are and where you want to go. Rest is all about execution, making decisions, hard work and not being afraid to make mistakes.

To succeed, know where you are and where you want to go. Rest is all about execution, making decisions, hard work and not being afraid to make mistakes. #motivation #motivate #inspire

To succeed, never let go of your hunger AND humility.

To succeed, never let go of your hunger AND humility. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Hardwork never betrayed the result 💪🏻

Hardwork never betrayed the result 💪🏻 #motivation #motivate #inspire

No such thing as time for work and time for play. Great success starts when work becomes play.

No such thing as time for work and time for play. Great success starts when work becomes play. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. There is no success in self-pity. No matter what happened, focus on what is in your control, focus on what you are going to do now. And, never quit.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. There is no success in self-pity. No matter what happened, focus on what is in your control, focus on what you are going to do now. And, never quit. #motivation #motivate #inspire

When making a presentation, pause for a second or two every few minutes when you talk. It's the space between the notes that makes the music.

When making a presentation, pause for a second or two every few minutes when you talk. It's the space between the notes that makes the music. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Your mind drives your actions. When your mind is clear, you achieve goals faster, you feel energized, you get over obstacles quickly.

Your mind drives your actions. When your mind is clear, you achieve goals faster, you feel energized, you get over obstacles quickly. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Our minds are hardwired to negative thoughts because tigers ate our “positive” ancestors while our “negative,” paranoid ancestors survived. Secret is to be aware of our negative thought patterns, not let them ruin our lives but use them to keep us alert & drive our success.

Our minds are hardwired to negative thoughts because tigers ate our “positive” ancestors while our “negative,” paranoid ancestors survived. Secret is to be aware of our negative thought patterns, not let them ruin our lives but use them to keep us alert & drive our success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You are not a victim. Life is not doing anything to you. You are the one creating your life. You have a say in how your life unfolds. Say it with your goals and actions.

You are not a victim. Life is not doing anything to you. You are the one creating your life. You have a say in how your life unfolds. Say it with your goals and actions. #motivation #motivate #inspire

More responsibility you take for your life, more successful you get.

More responsibility you take for your life, more successful you get. #motivation #motivate #inspire

A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor

A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor #motivation #motivate #inspire

Future belongs to those who can do more with less.

Future belongs to those who can do more with less. #motivation #motivate #inspire

let your past make you better not bitter

let your past make you better not bitter #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Don’t get too attached to the outcome. Do your very best. Then focus on what are you going to do next. This is what creates success mindset: Done. Next.

Don’t get too attached to the outcome. Do your very best. Then focus on what are you going to do next. This is what creates success mindset: Done. Next. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Create a routine. Routines save you time. Routines make you productive. Just remember to change your routines every few months.

Create a routine. Routines save you time. Routines make you productive. Just remember to change your routines every few months. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Only way to figure out what you are good at is by doing more and thinking less.

Only way to figure out what you are good at is by doing more and thinking less. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Quality of your life is determined by quality of your relationships.

Quality of your life is determined by quality of your relationships. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Success is like climbing. You select a hill to climb. You believe you can climb it. Once you reach the hill, you figure out next hill in the distance that you are going to climb. Along the way, you stumble & fall down but you pick yourself up. You keep climbing, no matter what.

Success is like climbing. You select a hill to climb. You believe you can climb it. Once you reach the hill, you figure out next hill in the distance that you are going to climb. Along the way, you stumble & fall down but you pick yourself up. You keep climbing, no matter what. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Explain your anger, don’t express it, and you will immediately open the door to solutions instead of argument

Explain your anger, don’t express it, and you will immediately open the door to solutions instead of argument #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, December 2, 2022

You become like the people you hang out with. Choose who you spend time with carefully.

You become like the people you hang out with. Choose who you spend time with carefully. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Prayer is talking to God even if we are bitter or insane or broken. Prayer is taking a chance that against all odds and past history, we are heard when we speak in silence. Prayer is to know that we are loved.

Prayer is talking to God even if we are bitter or insane or broken. Prayer is taking a chance that against all odds and past history, we are heard when we speak in silence. Prayer is to know that we are loved. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You are more than you have become.

You are more than you have become. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't promise when you're happy. Don't reply when you're angry. Don't decide when you're sad

Don't promise when you're happy. Don't reply when you're angry. Don't decide when you're sad #motivation #motivate #inspire

RT @mindset_abc: Start from nothing. Stop for nothing.

RT @mindset_abc: Start from nothing. Stop for nothing. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Path to success is pretty simple: if you are not willing to work for what you want, you are not going to get it. Believe it: whatever your goal is, you can get there if you are willing to work on it. Start. Now.

Path to success is pretty simple: if you are not willing to work for what you want, you are not going to get it. Believe it: whatever your goal is, you can get there if you are willing to work on it. Start. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, December 1, 2022

You’ll always get whatever you want when you realize you are the one who has to get up and go get it.

You’ll always get whatever you want when you realize you are the one who has to get up and go get it. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Climbing uphill to your great success will break you like it breaks everyone else. It’s up to you to put yourself back together. And when you do, you emerge stronger. Don’t stop. Keep climbing.

Climbing uphill to your great success will break you like it breaks everyone else. It’s up to you to put yourself back together. And when you do, you emerge stronger. Don’t stop. Keep climbing. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity

Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity #motivation #motivate #inspire

Make a practice of remembering your successes and paying less attention to your failures. You will soon start experiencing more success than you thought possible.

Make a practice of remembering your successes and paying less attention to your failures. You will soon start experiencing more success than you thought possible. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Emotional vampires are people who are consistently negative, always complaining but won’t try to solve problems, always tearing down whatever you are trying to build. They will suck life out of you if you let them. Stay away from them. Focus your energy on your great goals.

Emotional vampires are people who are consistently negative, always complaining but won’t try to solve problems, always tearing down whatever you are trying to build. They will suck life out of you if you let them. Stay away from them. Focus your energy on your great goals. #motivation #motivate #inspire

How an average person spends time: Comparing Complaining Blaming Lamenting Gossiping Living in the past Worrying Postponing How a successful person spends time: Reading Learning Focusing on their goals Doing what’s in their control Being responsible for their life

How an average person spends time: Comparing Complaining Blaming Lamenting Gossiping Living in the past Worrying Postponing How a successful person spends time: Reading Learning Focusing on their goals Doing what’s in their control Being responsible for their life #motivation #motivate #inspire

Success is about change and choices. If you want to succeed, change. If you want to change, make a choice. Choices build habits. Habits build success.

Success is about change and choices. If you want to succeed, change. If you want to change, make a choice. Choices build habits. Habits build success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Don't say: I will be successful. Say: I am successful. No matter how you feel, no matter where you are in your life cycle, no matter what you have or don't, repeat all day: I am successful.

Don't say: I will be successful. Say: I am successful. No matter how you feel, no matter where you are in your life cycle, no matter what you have or don't, repeat all day: I am successful. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Nobody got rich with a salary.

Nobody got rich with a salary. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Do good Get good

Do good Get good #motivation #motivate #inspire

When someone gives up on you, it’s their loss, not yours.

When someone gives up on you, it’s their loss, not yours. #motivation #motivate #inspire

All successful entrepreneurs have 6 things clear: 1) Clear picture of destination 2) Purpose of their business 3) Values that guide them 4) Numbers they track 5) What makes them different 6) What needs to get done & by whom.

All successful entrepreneurs have 6 things clear: 1) Clear picture of destination 2) Purpose of their business 3) Values that guide them 4) Numbers they track 5) What makes them different 6) What needs to get done & by whom. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Secret of successful communication:Simple. Direct. Precise. And, clear.

Secret of successful communication:Simple. Direct. Precise. And, clear. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It's great to be happy, but it's even better to bring happiness to others

It's great to be happy, but it's even better to bring happiness to others #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Life is not just happening to you. You are creating it with everything that you are doing. Choices you are making from moment to moment. Right now. And it's never too late to change your choices.

Life is not just happening to you. You are creating it with everything that you are doing. Choices you are making from moment to moment. Right now. And it's never too late to change your choices. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your life is a garden. What are you planting?

Your life is a garden. What are you planting? #motivation #motivate #inspire

Never lose hope. You never know what tomorrow might bring

Never lose hope. You never know what tomorrow might bring #motivation #motivate #inspire

It’s a secret of human nature: we are shaped more by our goals than our past. Set goals. Write your goals down. Start. Now.

It’s a secret of human nature: we are shaped more by our goals than our past. Set goals. Write your goals down. Start. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

How to tell if you possess things or things possess you? What you can choose to give is what you possess: love, respect, a smile. What can be taken away from you possesses you: limelight, power, prestige.

How to tell if you possess things or things possess you? What you can choose to give is what you possess: love, respect, a smile. What can be taken away from you possesses you: limelight, power, prestige. #motivation #motivate #inspire

No matter where you are in your life cycle, remind yourself everyday, your best days are still to come.

No matter where you are in your life cycle, remind yourself everyday, your best days are still to come. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, November 28, 2022

Mindset: I can and I will.

Mindset: I can and I will. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you don't have clear priorities, you are just spinning your wheel, hustling but going nowhere.

If you don't have clear priorities, you are just spinning your wheel, hustling but going nowhere. #motivation #motivate #inspire

RT @iConic_quote: Running a marathon, last mile is the hardest mile. Your muscles are burning. Your aching body is telling you how good it would feel to stop. Yet you persist. You keep going. Because you never quit. Thats what puts you on your path to great success.

RT @iConic_quote: Running a marathon, last mile is the hardest mile. Your muscles are burning. Your aching body is telling you how good it would feel to stop. Yet you persist. You keep going. Because you never quit. Thats what puts you on your path to great success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

RT @motivation_168: hustle until you no longer need to introduce yourself

RT @motivation_168: hustle until you no longer need to introduce yourself #motivation #motivate #inspire

Note to self: I’m going yo make you so proud

Note to self: I’m going yo make you so proud #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, November 27, 2022

If you want to continue to succeed, share success with those who have helped you.

If you want to continue to succeed, share success with those who have helped you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Hard times will always reveal true friends

Hard times will always reveal true friends #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you want to succeed, learn to focus on what matters. Let go of everything else.

If you want to succeed, learn to focus on what matters. Let go of everything else. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Do one thing today that your future self will thank you for.

Do one thing today that your future self will thank you for. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Learning is not about accumulation of knowledge, but the capacity to think clearly and sanely without illusion and to start from facts and not from beliefs and ideals.

Learning is not about accumulation of knowledge, but the capacity to think clearly and sanely without illusion and to start from facts and not from beliefs and ideals. #motivation #motivate #inspire

How do you know you know yourself? When you know what makes you unique.

How do you know you know yourself? When you know what makes you unique. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Love listening to lies when I know the truth

Love listening to lies when I know the truth #motivation #motivate #inspire

To change the world, change yourself.

To change the world, change yourself. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Growth comes with consistency.

Growth comes with consistency. #motivation #motivate #inspire

your future depends on what you do today

your future depends on what you do today #motivation #motivate #inspire

Stop waiting for good things to start happening in your life. Sometimes you have to go out and make things happen.

Stop waiting for good things to start happening in your life. Sometimes you have to go out and make things happen. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you don’t have a clear goal in life, you will end up working for someone who does.

If you don’t have a clear goal in life, you will end up working for someone who does. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, November 25, 2022

old habits won't build your new life

old habits won't build your new life #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't give up on people. You have no idea how you may be the answer to someone's prayers.

Don't give up on people. You have no idea how you may be the answer to someone's prayers. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Are you living the life you want, or one that others want you to live?

Are you living the life you want, or one that others want you to live? #motivation #motivate #inspire

Each experience in your life is a lesson. Each person you meet your teacher. Stay humble. Stay learning. Stay striving. Stay succeeding.

Each experience in your life is a lesson. Each person you meet your teacher. Stay humble. Stay learning. Stay striving. Stay succeeding. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Only when you stop trying to fit in, you realize how amazing you can be.

Only when you stop trying to fit in, you realize how amazing you can be. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Emotional vampires are people who suck all your energy and make you feel miserable. Don't waste your precious time on toxic people. Stay away from them.

Emotional vampires are people who suck all your energy and make you feel miserable. Don't waste your precious time on toxic people. Stay away from them. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your brain is a completion machine. You start. Your mind will finish it for you. All you have to do is show up, believe that you have options and choose.

Your brain is a completion machine. You start. Your mind will finish it for you. All you have to do is show up, believe that you have options and choose. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, November 24, 2022

You learn far more from loss, failure, losing than from gains, success, winning.

You learn far more from loss, failure, losing than from gains, success, winning. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Difference between success and failure is simple: habits.

Difference between success and failure is simple: habits. #motivation #motivate #inspire

When it comes to decision making, there is only one bad decision: To not make a decision at all.

When it comes to decision making, there is only one bad decision: To not make a decision at all. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There's nothing more destructive than destructive thinking. Being negative isn't going to take you anywhere. If you want to succeed, be an optimist. And, stay away from negative people.

There's nothing more destructive than destructive thinking. Being negative isn't going to take you anywhere. If you want to succeed, be an optimist. And, stay away from negative people. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Vague goals produce vague results.

Vague goals produce vague results. #motivation #motivate #inspire

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Before you can love others, you have to learn to love yourself.

Before you can love others, you have to learn to love yourself. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Dear God, show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, what I can do, use me for a purpose greater than myself.

Dear God, show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, what I can do, use me for a purpose greater than myself. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Our best successes often come after our greatest disappointments.

Our best successes often come after our greatest disappointments. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Happiness is the path, not the destination.

Happiness is the path, not the destination. #motivation #motivate #inspire

No matter how productive you think you are, without a purpose you are just busy. Being busy is not necessarily the same thing as being successful.

No matter how productive you think you are, without a purpose you are just busy. Being busy is not necessarily the same thing as being successful. #motivation #motivate #inspire

First person you need to manage everyday is you.

First person you need to manage everyday is you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You are born blessed with boundless supply of energy. Every time you compare, complain, blame, hate, don't take responsibility for your life, you are destroying your precious energy, burning out your life. Focus on what you want. Work hard. And, never stop.

You are born blessed with boundless supply of energy. Every time you compare, complain, blame, hate, don't take responsibility for your life, you are destroying your precious energy, burning out your life. Focus on what you want. Work hard. And, never stop. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

Do something today that your future self will thank you for. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

No matter how successful you are, stay down to earth. Stay approachable. Stay accessible. Stay easy to talk to. Stay humble. Stay striving. Stay succeeding.

No matter how successful you are, stay down to earth. Stay approachable. Stay accessible. Stay easy to talk to. Stay humble. Stay striving. Stay succeeding. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't ask, how happy you are. Ask, how loyal you are, and to what.

Don't ask, how happy you are. Ask, how loyal you are, and to what. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you see something being done below standard and you do nothing about it, you have created a new standard.

If you see something being done below standard and you do nothing about it, you have created a new standard. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Dream big. Start small. Start now.

Dream big. Start small. Start now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

When things are not going well, stay away from negative people who are constantly complaining. Stay focused on the problem on hand. Get a tight grip on yourself. Don't be swayed by what's going around you.

When things are not going well, stay away from negative people who are constantly complaining. Stay focused on the problem on hand. Get a tight grip on yourself. Don't be swayed by what's going around you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Create a routine. Routines save you time. Routines make you productive. Just remember to change your routines every few months.

Create a routine. Routines save you time. Routines make you productive. Just remember to change your routines every few months. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, November 21, 2022

What is more important to you: to be liked or respected?

What is more important to you: to be liked or respected? #motivation #motivate #inspire

Action beats anxiety And work beats worry

Action beats anxiety And work beats worry #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't get overwhelmed. You live one day at a time. Take things day by day.

Don't get overwhelmed. You live one day at a time. Take things day by day. #motivation #motivate #inspire

One of the biggest success killers: I am not good enough.

One of the biggest success killers: I am not good enough. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Mindset matters a lot. You better improve it.

Mindset matters a lot. You better improve it. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You are not your school. You are not your clothes. You are not where you live. You are not the toys you have. You are not a success. You are not a failure. You are a miracle. As long as you are alive, all possibilities are open. Never give up.

You are not your school. You are not your clothes. You are not where you live. You are not the toys you have. You are not a success. You are not a failure. You are a miracle. As long as you are alive, all possibilities are open. Never give up. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.

Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Before you can love others, you have to learn to love yourself.

Before you can love others, you have to learn to love yourself. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Gossiping about others won’t make your life better. Don’t waste your precious time, energy talking behind others’ back. Focus on what you want.

Gossiping about others won’t make your life better. Don’t waste your precious time, energy talking behind others’ back. Focus on what you want. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Kids are amazing because they haven't yet become afraid of failure. So they get up, fall down, get up again, fall down again. They don't care about winning and losing. They crawl, move, constantly trying and learning. Every which way. Unstoppable. That energy is still in you.

Kids are amazing because they haven't yet become afraid of failure. So they get up, fall down, get up again, fall down again. They don't care about winning and losing. They crawl, move, constantly trying and learning. Every which way. Unstoppable. That energy is still in you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't waste your time looking to be right all the time. Focus instead on how wrong we're most of the time. Because we are. Because being wrong brings you opportunities for growth.

Don't waste your time looking to be right all the time. Focus instead on how wrong we're most of the time. Because we are. Because being wrong brings you opportunities for growth. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't ask: will I succeed?Ask: What is holding me back? And, what am I going to do about it?

Don't ask: will I succeed?Ask: What is holding me back? And, what am I going to do about it? #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, November 19, 2022

When you wake up with a state of mind that says it's going to be a bad day, that's what you are going to experience. When you wake up with a state of mind that says you are going to do your best, that today is going to be a great day, that's what you are going to experience.

When you wake up with a state of mind that says it's going to be a bad day, that's what you are going to experience. When you wake up with a state of mind that says you are going to do your best, that today is going to be a great day, that's what you are going to experience. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It takes you the same amount of effort to be happy or miserable. And, only you have the power to make you happy or miserable.

It takes you the same amount of effort to be happy or miserable. And, only you have the power to make you happy or miserable. #motivation #motivate #inspire

At least once a day, smile at people you don't know.

At least once a day, smile at people you don't know. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation #motivation #motivate #inspire

don't look back, you're not going that way.

don't look back, you're not going that way. #motivation #motivate #inspire

No rich parents. No handouts. No assistance. No favors. Straight hustle. All day everyday.

No rich parents. No handouts. No assistance. No favors. Straight hustle. All day everyday. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Point of life is not to satisfy other people's expectations.

Point of life is not to satisfy other people's expectations. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, November 18, 2022

Positive thoughts, positive vision, positive life

Positive thoughts, positive vision, positive life #motivation #motivate #inspire

One common theme in the lives of all those who have made it big: failure after failure.

One common theme in the lives of all those who have made it big: failure after failure. #motivation #motivate #inspire

What is going to happen next is entirely dependent on what you are doing now.

What is going to happen next is entirely dependent on what you are doing now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't pretend to be someone else. You were made to be you. If you want to succeed, be you.

Don't pretend to be someone else. You were made to be you. If you want to succeed, be you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You start succeeding as soon as you run out of excuses.

You start succeeding as soon as you run out of excuses. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Never stop believing in hope, because miracles happen every day

Never stop believing in hope, because miracles happen every day #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Don't let others bring you down to their level.

Don't let others bring you down to their level. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Mindset: I can and I will.

Mindset: I can and I will. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Actions equal dollars.

Actions equal dollars. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Take responsibility for whatever is happening in your life.

Take responsibility for whatever is happening in your life. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Persistence combined with burning desire is like magic. It makes things happen that you never thought possible.

Persistence combined with burning desire is like magic. It makes things happen that you never thought possible. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It's not enough to want something. You have got to do something about it. Every day. Now.

It's not enough to want something. You have got to do something about it. Every day. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

RT @iConic_quote: Don't quit. Keep the faith. Keep doing your thing. Keep moving forward. Keep going. You are going to make it.

RT @iConic_quote: Don't quit. Keep the faith. Keep doing your thing. Keep moving forward. Keep going. You are going to make it. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There is no success without absolute commitment. Commitment means no turning back, no doubts, no giving up. Commitment means faith, energy, enthusiasm, and discipline. You have it in you.

There is no success without absolute commitment. Commitment means no turning back, no doubts, no giving up. Commitment means faith, energy, enthusiasm, and discipline. You have it in you. #motivation #motivate #inspire


STAY FOCUSED #motivation #motivate #inspire

People who argue don't understand. People who understand don't argue. Don't waste your time arguing. Stay learning. Stay striving. Stay succeeding.

People who argue don't understand. People who understand don't argue. Don't waste your time arguing. Stay learning. Stay striving. Stay succeeding. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Failure is a great teacher. Failure often simplifies, eliminates what didn't work, removes noise, builds you a great foundation, and if you are humble enough to learn the lessons, failure stimulates momentum like nothing else.

Failure is a great teacher. Failure often simplifies, eliminates what didn't work, removes noise, builds you a great foundation, and if you are humble enough to learn the lessons, failure stimulates momentum like nothing else. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It's never too late to become what you might have been.

It's never too late to become what you might have been. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Like attracts like.

Like attracts like. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Always Remember that slow progress is still progress. Don’t compare you chapter 1 to someone’s chapter 20

Always Remember that slow progress is still progress. Don’t compare you chapter 1 to someone’s chapter 20 #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your brain is a completion machine. You start. Your mind will finish it for you. All you have to do is show up, believe that you have options and choose.

Your brain is a completion machine. You start. Your mind will finish it for you. All you have to do is show up, believe that you have options and choose. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $17,039.94 (+2.56%) ETH: $1,270.02 (+1.82%) LINK: $6.61 (+6.42%) LTC: $59.08 (+3.63%) XMR: $131.83 (+2.19%) XTZ: $1.04 (+2.63%) NEO: $6.94 (+4.94%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $LINK $LTC $XMR $XTZ $NEO

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $17,039.94 (+2.56%) ETH: $1,270.02 (+1.82%) LINK: $6.61 (+6.42%) LTC: $59.08 (+3.63%) XMR: $131.83 (+2.19%) XTZ: $1.04 (+2.63%) NEO: $6.94 (+4.94%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $LINK $LTC $XMR $XTZ $NEO

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,957.85 (+2.14%) ETH: $1,267.86 (+1.71%) LINK: $6.56 (+5.63%) THETA: $0.9243 (+3.63%) SOL: $14.64 (+3.84%) EOS: $0.9356 (+3.34%) ALGO: $0.2805 (+10.55%) 🚀 Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $LINK $THETA $SOL $EOS $ALGO

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,957.85 (+2.14%) ETH: $1,267.86 (+1.71%) LINK: $6.56 (+5.63%) THETA: $0.9243 (+3.63%) SOL: $14.64 (+3.84%) EOS: $0.9356 (+3.34%) ALGO: $0.2805 (+10.55%) 🚀 Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $LINK $THETA $SOL $EOS $ALGO

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,824.44 (+1.36%) ETH: $1,264.99 (+1.12%) XLM: $0.0929 (+5.96%) MKR: $706.32 (+3.17%) MIOTA: $0.2229 (+3.90%) ALGO: $0.2744 (+7.47%) ATOM: $10.62 (+3.11%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XLM $MKR $MIOTA $ALGO $ATOM

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,824.44 (+1.36%) ETH: $1,264.99 (+1.12%) XLM: $0.0929 (+5.96%) MKR: $706.32 (+3.17%) MIOTA: $0.2229 (+3.90%) ALGO: $0.2744 (+7.47%) ATOM: $10.62 (+3.11%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XLM $MKR $MIOTA $ALGO $ATOM

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,933.95 (+1.62%) ETH: $1,272.39 (+1.55%) XRP: $0.3898 (+11.88%) 🚀 LTC: $58.84 (+2.59%) BCH: $104.51 (+2.20%) TRX: $0.0515 (+2.11%) HOT: $0.0016 (+2.29%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XRP $LTC $BCH $TRX $HOT

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,933.95 (+1.62%) ETH: $1,272.39 (+1.55%) XRP: $0.3898 (+11.88%) 🚀 LTC: $58.84 (+2.59%) BCH: $104.51 (+2.20%) TRX: $0.0515 (+2.11%) HOT: $0.0016 (+2.29%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XRP $LTC $BCH $TRX $HOT

Don't copy others' way of doing things because everyone is different. Learn who you are and what makes you unique in your own way.

Don't copy others' way of doing things because everyone is different. Learn who you are and what makes you unique in your own way. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,990.80 (+0.16%) ETH: $1,275.88 (+0.28%) XLM: $0.0937 (+4.89%) CRO: $0.0756 (+4.91%) MIOTA: $0.2262 (+3.39%) NEO: $6.90 (+2.31%) CAKE: $3.95 (-3.50%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XLM $CRO $MIOTA $NEO $CAKE

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,990.80 (+0.16%) ETH: $1,275.88 (+0.28%) XLM: $0.0937 (+4.89%) CRO: $0.0756 (+4.91%) MIOTA: $0.2262 (+3.39%) NEO: $6.90 (+2.31%) CAKE: $3.95 (-3.50%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XLM $CRO $MIOTA $NEO $CAKE

Monday, November 14, 2022

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,372.05 (-0.23%) ETH: $1,225.21 (+0.28%) DOT: $5.78 (+1.28%) DOGE: $0.0861 (+1.75%) MATIC: $0.9033 (+2.41%) AVAX: $13.01 (+0.70%) CRO: $0.0686 (+14.74%) 🚀 Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $DOT $DOGE $MATIC $AVAX $CRO

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,372.05 (-0.23%) ETH: $1,225.21 (+0.28%) DOT: $5.78 (+1.28%) DOGE: $0.0861 (+1.75%) MATIC: $0.9033 (+2.41%) AVAX: $13.01 (+0.70%) CRO: $0.0686 (+14.74%) 🚀 Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $DOT $DOGE $MATIC $AVAX $CRO

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,627.84 (+0.31%) ETH: $1,247.28 (+1.24%) XRP: $0.3490 (-1.00%) LTC: $57.02 (-2.06%) TRX: $0.0496 (-4.46%) HOT: $0.0016 (-0.63%) ALGO: $0.2557 (-3.82%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XRP $LTC $TRX $HOT $ALGO

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,627.84 (+0.31%) ETH: $1,247.28 (+1.24%) XRP: $0.3490 (-1.00%) LTC: $57.02 (-2.06%) TRX: $0.0496 (-4.46%) HOT: $0.0016 (-0.63%) ALGO: $0.2557 (-3.82%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XRP $LTC $TRX $HOT $ALGO

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,602.68 (+0.35%) ETH: $1,250.30 (+1.70%) THETA: $0.8923 (+0.21%) LRC: $0.2506 (+0.85%) SOL: $14.12 (+1.31%) HOT: $0.0016 (-0.78%) HBAR: $0.0459 (-3.42%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $THETA $LRC $SOL $HOT $HBAR

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,602.68 (+0.35%) ETH: $1,250.30 (+1.70%) THETA: $0.8923 (+0.21%) LRC: $0.2506 (+0.85%) SOL: $14.12 (+1.31%) HOT: $0.0016 (-0.78%) HBAR: $0.0459 (-3.42%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $THETA $LRC $SOL $HOT $HBAR

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,595.16 (-0.22%) ETH: $1,250.72 (+0.89%) XLM: $0.0877 (-2.35%) BCH: $101.48 (+0.46%) MKR: $683.56 (+0.14%) XTZ: $1.01 (-1.36%) FTT: $1.42 (-20.55%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XLM $BCH $MKR $XTZ $FTT

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,595.16 (-0.22%) ETH: $1,250.72 (+0.89%) XLM: $0.0877 (-2.35%) BCH: $101.48 (+0.46%) MKR: $683.56 (+0.14%) XTZ: $1.01 (-1.36%) FTT: $1.42 (-20.55%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XLM $BCH $MKR $XTZ $FTT

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,695.09 (+0.09%) ETH: $1,253.62 (+1.09%) BCH: $102.34 (+1.25%) AVAX: $13.20 (+0.07%) LRC: $0.2513 (+1.20%) FIL: $4.32 (+0.62%) CAKE: $4.02 (-0.37%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $BCH $AVAX $LRC $FIL $CAKE

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,695.09 (+0.09%) ETH: $1,253.62 (+1.09%) BCH: $102.34 (+1.25%) AVAX: $13.20 (+0.07%) LRC: $0.2513 (+1.20%) FIL: $4.32 (+0.62%) CAKE: $4.02 (-0.37%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $BCH $AVAX $LRC $FIL $CAKE

FEAR = false evidence appearing real

FEAR = false evidence appearing real #motivation #motivate #inspire

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,988.28 (+1.88%) ETH: $1,278.48 (+3.00%) LINK: $6.34 (+1.51%) LEO: $3.88 (-0.50%) DOGE: $0.0889 (+0.44%) ICP: $4.02 (+3.79%) HOT: $0.0016 (-0.68%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $LINK $LEO $DOGE $ICP $HOT

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,988.28 (+1.88%) ETH: $1,278.48 (+3.00%) LINK: $6.34 (+1.51%) LEO: $3.88 (-0.50%) DOGE: $0.0889 (+0.44%) ICP: $4.02 (+3.79%) HOT: $0.0016 (-0.68%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $LINK $LEO $DOGE $ICP $HOT

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,784.71 (+1.17%) ETH: $1,258.50 (+1.94%) UNI: $5.95 (+0.07%) LINK: $6.31 (+2.02%) FIL: $4.32 (+1.55%) TRX: $0.0502 (-4.23%) FTT: $1.50 (-21.87%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $UNI $LINK $FIL $TRX $FTT

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,784.71 (+1.17%) ETH: $1,258.50 (+1.94%) UNI: $5.95 (+0.07%) LINK: $6.31 (+2.02%) FIL: $4.32 (+1.55%) TRX: $0.0502 (-4.23%) FTT: $1.50 (-21.87%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $UNI $LINK $FIL $TRX $FTT

Dear God, grant me courage to change things I can, ability to accept things I cannot change, and wisdom to know the difference.

Dear God, grant me courage to change things I can, ability to accept things I cannot change, and wisdom to know the difference. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,835.91 (+0.28%) ETH: $1,257.65 (+0.54%) ICP: $3.99 (+4.60%) LRC: $0.2532 (-1.54%) FTT: $1.69 (-18.67%) ALGO: $0.2632 (-1.05%) ATOM: $10.17 (-5.27%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $ICP $LRC $FTT $ALGO $ATOM

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,835.91 (+0.28%) ETH: $1,257.65 (+0.54%) ICP: $3.99 (+4.60%) LRC: $0.2532 (-1.54%) FTT: $1.69 (-18.67%) ALGO: $0.2632 (-1.05%) ATOM: $10.17 (-5.27%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $ICP $LRC $FTT $ALGO $ATOM

Sunday, November 13, 2022

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0868, 0% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $86,830.8460. Total volume in last 24H: $1,029,876,432. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #9 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0868, 0% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $86,830.8460. Total volume in last 24H: $1,029,876,432. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #9 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,545.33 (-2.36%) ETH: $1,230.80 (-3.53%) DOT: $5.84 (+0.90%) LTC: $58.00 (-3.73%) THETA: $0.8890 (-1.88%) SOL: $13.93 (-8.67%) NEO: $6.43 (-3.48%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $DOT $LTC $THETA $SOL $NEO

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,545.33 (-2.36%) ETH: $1,230.80 (-3.53%) DOT: $5.84 (+0.90%) LTC: $58.00 (-3.73%) THETA: $0.8890 (-1.88%) SOL: $13.93 (-8.67%) NEO: $6.43 (-3.48%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $DOT $LTC $THETA $SOL $NEO

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,677.45 (-1.06%) ETH: $1,240.19 (-1.95%) XRP: $0.3572 (-4.18%) LRC: $0.2480 (-0.46%) FIL: $4.30 (-0.78%) FTT: $1.82 (-11.33%) CAKE: $4.03 (+1.28%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XRP $LRC $FIL $FTT $CAKE

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,677.45 (-1.06%) ETH: $1,240.19 (-1.95%) XRP: $0.3572 (-4.18%) LRC: $0.2480 (-0.46%) FIL: $4.30 (-0.78%) FTT: $1.82 (-11.33%) CAKE: $4.03 (+1.28%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XRP $LRC $FIL $FTT $CAKE

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0877, 1% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $87,679.3906. Total volume in last 24H: $1,071,279,220. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #8 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0877, 1% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $87,679.3906. Total volume in last 24H: $1,071,279,220. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #8 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

You won't find any opportunities until you let go of resentments you have been accumulating. Resentment is past and dead. Today is a brand new day, full of opportunities waiting for you. Focus here and now.

You won't find any opportunities until you let go of resentments you have been accumulating. Resentment is past and dead. Today is a brand new day, full of opportunities waiting for you. Focus here and now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0876, 0% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $87,597.9052. Total volume in last 24H: $1,090,080,071. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #8 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0876, 0% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $87,597.9052. Total volume in last 24H: $1,090,080,071. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #8 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,676.45 (-0.95%) ETH: $1,241.40 (-1.89%) DOT: $5.83 (+1.83%) BNB: $280.55 (-0.45%) LTC: $58.18 (-3.50%) FTT: $1.84 (-10.20%) ATOM: $10.60 (-4.33%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $DOT $BNB $LTC $FTT $ATOM

current #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,676.45 (-0.95%) ETH: $1,241.40 (-1.89%) DOT: $5.83 (+1.83%) BNB: $280.55 (-0.45%) LTC: $58.18 (-3.50%) FTT: $1.84 (-10.20%) ATOM: $10.60 (-4.33%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $DOT $BNB $LTC $FTT $ATOM

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0872, -1% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $87,234.4377. Total volume in last 24H: $1,115,699,950. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #8 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0872, -1% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $87,234.4377. Total volume in last 24H: $1,115,699,950. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #8 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

Friday, September 16, 2022

Can You Make Money From a Podcast? The Answer Might Surprise You!


 Can You Make Money From a Podcast? The Answer Might Suprise You!

Can You Make Money From a Podcast? Have you ever thought about starting a podcast but weren’t quite sure if it was worth your time? If you’re like most people, you’ve probably considered it but quickly dismissed the idea when you realized that you had no idea if you could actually make any money from it. After all, why would you want to spend hours working on something with no guarantee of any return on your investment, right?

Wrong! As it turns out, starting a podcast can be a great way to make some extra cash. In fact, there are a number of ways to monetize your podcast and, in some cases, even make a full-time income from it. Here are just a few of the ways you can make money from your very own podcast:


One of the most common ways to make money from a podcast is through advertising. You can sell ad space on your podcast to businesses that want to reach your listeners. The amount of money you can charge for ad space will depend on the popularity of your podcast and the size of your audience. If you have a large and engaged audience, you can charge more per ad than if you have a small or inactive audience. You can also sell ads directly to businesses or use a middleman such as AdvertiseCast or Podbean Advertising.

Patreon Support

Another way to make money from your podcast is through Patreon support. Patreon is a platform that allows fans to support content creators by pledging a monthly donation. In exchange for their support, patrons often get access to exclusive content, early access to new episodes, or other rewards. The amount of money you can make through Patreon will depend on the number of patrons you have and how much they are willing to pledge per month.


Sponsorships are another great way to monetize your podcast. A sponsor is an individual or business that pays you to mention their product or service on your show. Like with advertising, the amount of money you can charge for sponsorships will depend on the popularity of your podcast and the size of your audience. You can also offer discounts or freebies to listeners who use your sponsor’s products or services. For example, if you have a nutrition-related podcast, you could offer listeners a discount on healthy food delivery services like GreenChef or SunBasket. Or maybe you want to promote your very own health stuff. Check out this article on how to create your very own health supplements and keep more of the profits from those sales!

Conclusion: Can You Make Money From a Podcast?

So there you have it! These are just a few of the ways that you can monetize your very own podcast. With advertising, Patreon support, sponsorships, and more, there are plenty of opportunities to make some extra cash (or even a full-time income!) from your show. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your podcast today!

The post Can You Make Money From a Podcast? The Answer Might Surprise You! appeared first on Make Money.


Thursday, September 15, 2022

9 Ways to Make Extra Money


9 Ways to Make Extra Money

9 ways of making extra money: Do you ever find yourself wondering how people afford those fancy cars or nice vacations? The truth is, many people have found ways to make extra money – and you can too! Whether you’re looking for some extra pocket money or want to earn enough to quit your day job, here are 10 ways to make extra money.

1. Start a blog:

If you’re passionate about a topic, why not share your knowledge with the world by starting a blog? Not only is blogging a great way to build up your writing portfolio, but you can also make money through advertising and sponsored content. Check out this post called How To Start With Blogging for more about blogging

2. Do some freelance work:

Use your skills and talents to earn some extra cash by doing freelance work for others. Websites like Fiverr and Upwork are great places to start finding gigs. Check out this post called Make Money With Fiverr

3. Take on some odd jobs:

From dog walking to yard work, there are always people who are willing to pay for someone else to do the dirty work. Check out websites like TaskRabbit or Craigslist to find odd jobs in your area.

4. Get paid to search the web:

Well, believe it or not, you can actually get paid just for using your favorite search engine! Swagbucks will give you points for every search you make that can be redeemed for gift cards or PayPal cash.

5. Sell your stuff:

Have any old clothes, furniture, or electronics that you don’t need anymore? Turn them into cash by selling them online or at a consignment store.

6. Participate in focus groups:

Do you want to share your opinion and get paid for it? Companies are always looking for people to participate in focus groups, which usually involve discussing a new product or service. Check out websites like FindFocusGroups or FieldAgent to find focus groups in your area.

7. Rent out a room in your house:

Don’t need the extra space in your place? Why not rent it out on Airbnb and earn some extra cash? You’ll have to be comfortable with strangers staying in your home. But it’s a great way to make some quick money. You can even rent out spaces in your home for people to use as storage! Click here to find out more about this.

8. Drive for a ride-sharing service:

If you’ve got a car and some free time, why not sign up for a ride-sharing service like Uber or Lyft? You can choose your own hours and make good money driving people around town. Just be sure to check with your local laws first as ride-sharing isn’t available everywhere.

9. Complete short tasks online:

Because there are all sorts of short tasks that need to be done online, from taking surveys to watching videos. You can even get paid just for browsing the internet with services like InboxDollars and Swagbucks if you’re looking for easy ways to make money fast.

Making Extra Money Bonus Method!

Pet-sit or House-sit: Pets need love too! Offer your services as a pet-sitter or house-sitter when people go out of town and earn some extra cash taking care of their fur babies or homes while they’re away.

Conclusion: Making Extra Money

Making extra money doesn’t have to be difficult! Because there are plenty of ways to bring in some extra cash without too much effort involved! Whether you’re looking for a little pocket money. Or you want to earn enough to quit your day job. Try out one (or all!) of these methods and start bringing in the dough today!

The post 9 Ways to Make Extra Money appeared first on Make Money.


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

3 Easy Ways to Make a Quick Buck


3 Easy Ways to Make a Quick Buck

We all could use a little extra cash. Whether you’re saving up for something special or you just need to make ends meet, there are a number of easy ways to make a quick buck. In this blog post, we’ll explore three of them.

1. Sell Your Stuff

One of the quickest and easiest ways to make some extra cash is to sell the things you don’t need. From clothes to electronics to furniture, there’s probably a lot of stuff taking up space in your home that you could live without. So why not get rid of it and earn some money in the process? You can list your items for sale on platforms like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and eBay. Just be sure to do your research beforehand so you know how much your items are worth.

2. Do Odd Jobs for People in Your Neighborhood

Another easy way to make some extra money is to do odd jobs for people in your neighborhood. This could include things like mowing lawns, shoveling snow, or walking dogs. If you have a particular skill or trade, you could also offer your services as a tutor or handyman. Whatever it is, odds are there’s somebody in your neighborhood who would be willing to pay you for your help.

3. Participate in Paid Online Surveys

If you’re looking for a way to make some passive income, participating in paid online surveys is a great option. There are tons of different companies out there that will pay you for your opinion on a variety of topics. And the best part is, you can do it from the comfort of your own home! Just be sure to do your research beforehand so you don’t get scammed. Here is one you can try called Make Survey Money

Conclusion: You Can Make a Quick Buck!

There are plenty of easy ways to make some extra cash. Whether you’re selling your stuff, doing odd jobs for people in your neighborhood, or participating in paid online surveys, there’s sure to be an option that’s right for you. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start earning!

The post 3 Easy Ways to Make a Quick Buck appeared first on Make Money.


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Side Hustles You Can Do from the Comfort of Your Home


Side Hustles You Can Do from the Comfort of Your Home

Have you ever wished you could make a little extra money without having to leave your comfortable home? Well, wish no more! There are plenty of side hustles you can do right from your living room (or bedroom, or kitchen, or wherever else you happen to be reading this). All you need is an internet connection and a little motivation, and you’ll be on your way to earning some extra cash in no time.

1. Sell handmade goods online.

If you’re crafty, there’s a market for your wares! Platforms like Etsy and Amazon Handmade make it easy to sell your unique items to a worldwide audience. Whether you’re selling jewelry, pottery, or even homemade candles, there’s someone out there who’s looking for exactly what you’re selling. Plus, with so many people shopping online these days, there’s no need to rent out space at a physical market or craft fair. You can reach buyers from all over the world with just the click of a button.

2. Provide freelance writing services.

Are you a whiz with words? Consider offering your services as a freelance writer. Companies and individuals all over the world are always in need of content creators, and thanks to the internet, it’s easier than ever to connect with potential clients. Whether you want to write blog posts, create social media copy, or even ghostwrite an e-book, there’s someone out there who’s willing to pay you for your writing skills. All you need is a strong portfolio and a little bit of marketing know-how, and you’ll be on your way to making money as a freelance writer in no time.

3. Offer virtual assistant services.

If you’re organized and efficient, becoming a virtual assistant may be the perfect side hustle for you. Virtual assistants provide administrative support to companies and individuals who are often too busy to do everything themselves. Common tasks include scheduling appointments, managing email inboxes, researching information online, and providing customer service via phone or chat. As long as you have strong communication skills and are able to stay organized even when working remotely, virtual assisting could be the perfect fit for you.

Conclusion: Side Hustles? Yes!

There are plenty of ways to make money from home without having to take on a traditional job. So if you’re looking for a way to earn some extra cash without leaving your comfort zone, consider one of these three side hustles. From crafting handmade goods to providing freelance writing services, there’s sure to be an option that’s perfect for you. And best of all? You can get started today!

Also, to make some extra cash. Be sure to check out our homepage today!

The post Side Hustles You Can Do from the Comfort of Your Home appeared first on Make Money.


Monday, September 12, 2022

How To Actually Make Money With NFTs


How To Actually Make Money With NFTs

Making money with NFTs is possible, but it’s not as easy as some people might lead you to believe. There are a lot of scams and get-rich-quick schemes out there.  It can be difficult to figure out how to actually make money with NFTs. In this blog post, we will outline a few methods that you can use to start making money with NFTs today!

One method for making money with NFTs is to create and sell your own NFTs. If you have a creative talent or skill, you can create digital art, music, videos, or other content and sell it as an NFT. There are a number of platforms that you can use to do this, such as OpenSea and Rarible. Another method for making money with NFTs is to invest in them. Just like with any other investment, there is risk involved, but if you do your research and invest wisely, you could see a good return on your investment.

You can also earn money by participating in the development of NFT projects. If you have coding skills or experience with blockchain technology, you can help to develop new NFT platforms or applications. This is a great way to get involved in the industry and potentially earn some good money.

But, you can also make money by writing about NFTs. If you have a knack for writing and teaching. Then you can start a blog or create video content. Content about NFTs and how to use them. There are already a number of successful bloggers and YouTubers who are doing this. So it’s definitely possible to make money in this way.

Everything DONE FOR YOU

Discover the easiest method we have ever seen to make it happen with NFTs. It’s called NFT Memes Money and It’s a complete DONE FOR YOU package! It contains step-by-step training AND ready-to-use content that is perfect for anyone that wants to DOMINATE NFT niches.

This is the first and only system of its kind that takes you by the hand and shows you how to get started with NFTs in just a few minutes from now… without any prior experience or tech skills required. So If you’ve ever wanted to make money with NFTs but didn’t know how to get started, this is going to be the most important blog post you ever read. Click here to learn more about NFT Memes Money!

The post How To Actually Make Money With NFTs appeared first on Make Money.


Sunday, September 11, 2022

How to Get Paid to Listen: Earning Money with Your Ears


How to Get Paid to Listen: Earning Money with Your Ears

So do you love listening to music? How about podcasts? What about audiobooks? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you could be making money just by listening! Believe it or not, there are a number of ways that you can get paid to simply listen to audio content. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best methods for earning money with your ears. So, whether you’re looking to make a little extra cash or want to start a new career in audio transcription, read on for tips and advice on how to get started!


One of the easiest ways to get started making money by listening is to sign up for a website or app that pays you to transcribe audio files. There are a number of companies out there that will pay you to listen to audio files and type out what you hear. This is a great way to make some extra cash in your spare time, as it doesn’t require any special skills or experience. All you need is a computer and good headphones!

Audio Engineer

Because you’re looking for something more long-term, consider becoming an audio engineer. Audio engineers typically work in recording studios, where they help artists record and produce music. While this isn’t necessarily a job that will allow you to work from home, it is a great way to get paid to use your ears! Audio engineers typically have a college degree in audio engineering or a related field, but there are many ways to get started in the industry without a formal education.

Audio Editor

Now, another option for making money by listening is becoming an audio editor. Audio editors work with audio files to make sure they are high quality and free of any errors. This is a great job for someone with an ear for detail and a passion for music. Audio editors typically have a college degree in audio engineering or a related field, but there are many ways to get started in the industry without a formal education.

Apply To Be A Listener & Get Paid to Listen

Finally, you may want to check out a site called listenersoncall to become a Listener They are now accepting applications. The process is simple and starts with a simple survey. Based on your answers, you may be selected to become a Listener. They will pay you by the minute just to listen to people! You get paid just to help people!

There are many ways to get paid to listen, whether you’re looking for a little extra cash or want to start a new career in audio. So, if you’ve got a good set of ears and a love for music, why not give it a try? You might just find yourself making money with your ears! Thanks for reading and good luck! Do you have any experience getting paid to listen? Share your tips and advice in the comments below! So there you have it – some of the best ways to get paid are simply by using your ears! What are you waiting for? Start listening and start earning today!

Still looking to make some extra money?

Check out our homepage for our favorite way to get paid. We’ve personally used this method to make some quick cash and we know it works! You won’t be disappointed.

The post How to Get Paid to Listen: Earning Money with Your Ears appeared first on Make Money.


Saturday, September 10, 2022

How To Make Money With Crypto


How To Make Money With Crypto

Cryptocurrencies are all the rage right now. If you’re not familiar with them, they are digital assets that use cryptography for security. They’re also known as altcoins because they often differ significantly from traditional currencies. So how can you make money with them? In this blog post, we’ll discuss a few methods.

Understand Cryptocurrencies.

There are two main categories of cryptocurrencies: virtual and decentralized. Virtual currencies are those that exist only online, such as Bitcoin. Decentralized currencies are those that exist both online and offline, such as Litecoin. To make money with cryptocurrencies, you need to understand how they work.

Choose an Exchange Platform.

Once you decide what type of cryptocurrency you would like to invest in, you need to choose an exchange platform. This will allow you to buy and sell your chosen currency. Popular platforms include Coinbase, Kraken, Bittrex, and Poloniex.

Get a Cryptocurrency Wallet.

A cryptocurrency wallet is a digital wallet that stores your private and public keys. Private keys are what you use to access your coins, while public keys are used to receive coins. There are many different types of wallets, so you’ll need to choose one that’s right for you. Some popular options include Coinbase, Exodus, and Jaxx.

Pick a Cryptocurrency to Invest In.

Once you’ve chosen a wallet, it’s time to pick a cryptocurrency to invest in. There are many different types of cryptocurrencies, so it’s important to do your research before investing. Some popular options include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple.

Buy & Sell Cryptocurrencies.

Once you’ve chosen a cryptocurrency to invest in, you’ll need to buy some coins. The best way to do this is through an exchange, such as Coinbase or Binance. Exchanges allow you to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, as well as store them in your wallet.If you want to make money with cryptocurrencies, you’ll need to sell them at some point.

Hodl Cryptocurrencies.

Hodl is a term used by crypto investors meaning to hold onto your coins for a long-term investment. Many people believe that cryptocurrencies will increase in value over time, so they hodl their coins in hopes of selling them later at a higher price.

Mine Cryptocurrencies.

You Can Earn Passive Income Mining.

If you choose to hold onto your cryptocurrency, then you will earn passive income by simply holding onto it. However, if you choose to sell it immediately, you will make money when you sell it. But mining is the process of verifying transactions and adding them to the blockchain. Miners are rewarded with coins for their work, which they can then sell on an exchange. Mining is a great way to make money with cryptocurrencies, but it’s essential to understand how it works before getting started.

How To Make Money With Crypto? Use This Breakthrough Crypto App!

If you’re looking for an easy way to make money with cryptocurrencies, then you should check out this new app called CryptoHero. CryptoHero is a revolutionary new app that allows you to passive income crypto sites without any experience or knowledge. All you need is an internet connection and a phone or laptop. CryptoHero is completely easy to use and there are no hidden fees.

So what are you waiting for?

Get CryptoHero!


The post How To Make Money With Crypto appeared first on Make Money.


Friday, September 9, 2022

How To Make Money On TikTok


How To Make Money On TikTok

If you’re looking for ways to make money online, you may have heard about TikTok. TikTok is a social media app where users can create and share videos with others. It’s free to download, but there are ways to make money from it. In this blog post, we will discuss how to make money on TikTok and provide some tips for doing so!

Create a profile.

If you want to make money from TikTok, you need to create a profile first. This will allow you to upload videos and share them with others. You can also use your profile to promote your brand or products.

Create engaging content.

Once you have a profile, you need to create engaging content that people will want to watch. This means creating videos that are interesting, funny, or informative. If you can get people to watch and share your videos, you’ll be on your way to making money from TikTok!

Get creative with your content.

In order to make money from TikTok, you need to stand out from the crowd. This means getting creative with your content and thinking outside the box. There are a lot of people using TikTok, so you need to make sure your videos are unique and will grab people’s attention.

Build a following.

If you want to make money from TikTok, you need to build a following. This means getting people to watch and share your videos. The more followers you have, the more likely you are to make money from the app.

Find people who have similar interests as you.

Once you have a profile set up, you can start uploading videos. These videos should be short (less than 15 seconds) and contain only one subject. People love watching videos with a clear message and a call to action.

Follow them.

You can also follow other people who upload similar videos. This will help you see what kind of engagement they receive. If you notice that they have a lot of followers, then you might want to consider following them as well.

Engage with your followers.

Once you have a following, you need to engage with them. This means liking and commenting on their videos. You should also share their videos with your followers. This will help you build a strong relationship with your followers and keep them coming back for more!

Post regularly.

If you want to make money from TikTok, you need to post regularly. This means posting new videos regularly. The more videos you have, the more likely people are to watch and share them.

How To Make Money On TikTok? Use Ace App!

Tap Into TikTok For Non-Stop ClickBank Sales!

If you’re looking for another way to make money online, then you should consider using an app called Ace. This app allows you to tap into the massive market of TikTok. With Ace, you can easily Tap Into TikTok For Non-Stop ClickBank Sales. So if you’re looking for an easy way to make money, then you should check out Ace! CLICK HERE TO GET ACE NOW!

As you can see, there are several ways to make money from TikTok. By following these tips, you can start making money from the app today! So what are you waiting for? Get started now and start earning!


The post How To Make Money On TikTok appeared first on Make Money.


Thursday, September 8, 2022

Make Survey Money – Online Survey Jobs for Students


Make Survey Money – Online Survey Jobs for Students

Make survey money online by taking paid surveys. It’ll take less than 10 minutes to complete each survey and you’ll earn anywhere between $1 and $50 per survey.

Sign Up With An Online Survey Company.

There are several companies out there that make it easy to make money through online surveys. You can sign up with one of these companies and start earning cash right away. All you need to do is provide some basic information about yourself and you’ll be ready to start taking surveys. The company will then send you surveys on a variety of topics, and you’ll earn money for every survey you complete. In addition, you may also be eligible for other opportunities, such as focus groups and product testing. So why not sign up today and start earning some extra cash? There is one actually called Make Survey Money! Join Free. Get a $5.00 Signup Bonus!

Complete Qualifying Surveys.

Qualifying surveys are short surveys that ask questions about products or services. Companies pay survey takers to complete these surveys so they can learn more about their customers. Survey takers can make some extra money by completing qualifying surveys. While the pay for each survey may not be very high, the money can add up over time, especially if you make a habit of taking surveys on a regular basis. To make the most of your time, be sure to sign up with multiple survey companies so that you have a steady stream of surveys to complete. Also, make sure to read each survey carefully before starting, as you will want to make sure that you answer all of the questions accurately in order to receive credit for the survey. By taking the time to complete surveys, you can make some extra money with minimal effort.

Start Earning Cash!

If you’re looking for a way to make some extra cash, taking surveys is a great option. You can earn up to $5 per survey, and surveys only take a few minutes to complete. Plus, you can do them from the comfort of your own home. So why not sign up now and start making money?

Earn rewards.

There are plenty of ways to make money online, and taking surveys is one of the easiest. There are hundreds of companies out there willing to pay for your opinion, and all you need to do is sign up and start taking surveys. Even Google! You can make anywhere from a few cents to a couple of hundred dollars per survey, and it only takes a few minutes to complete them. Plus, you can do it from the comfort of your own home! If you’re looking for an easy way to make some extra cash, taking surveys is a great option.

Repeat as often as possible.

You should repeat the same survey multiple times until you reach at least $10. This will help you build up your reputation with the company so that when you do complete a survey, you will receive more offers. If you want to make money from surveys, you need to make sure you complete as many as possible. The more surveys you complete, the more likely you are to receive offers from companies. However, you should also make sure you repeat the same survey multiple times. This will help you build up your reputation with the company so that when you do complete a survey, you will receive more offers. By repeating surveys, you can make sure you are maximizing your earnings potential.


The post Make Survey Money – Online Survey Jobs for Students appeared first on Make Money.


Wednesday, September 7, 2022

What Makes The Most Money On Patreon?


What Makes The Most Money On Patreon?

What makes the most money on Patreon? This is a question that a lot of people are asking lately. Patreon has become a very popular way for content creators to make money, and there are a lot of different ways to make money on the platform. In this blog post, we will discuss what we believe are the three best ways to make money on Patreon. We will also provide some tips for those who want to start using Patreon to make money. Thanks for reading!

Let us Take A Look

As we mentioned, there are a lot of different ways to make money on Patreon. However, we believe that there are three primary ways to make money on the platform. The first way is by creating exclusive content for your patrons. This can be anything from behind-the-scenes videos to exclusive blog posts. If you have unique and valuable content, people will be willing to pay for it.

The second way to make money on Patreon is by offering rewards to your patrons. These rewards can be anything from access to exclusive content to discounts on products or services. By offering these rewards, you can encourage people to support you on Patreon.

The third way to make money on Patreon is through advertisements. You can sell advertising space on your page or on your videos. You can also promote other products or services through your page. This is a great way if you have a large following on Patreon.

If you want to start making on Patreon, we recommend that you start by creating exclusive content for your patrons. This is the best way to attract new patrons and keep them coming back for more. Thanks for reading! We hope this blog post was helpful!

There are many different ways to make money, and sometimes it can be hard to know which method is right for you. If you’re looking for a new way to make money, be sure and head over to our homepage and check out a different way to get paid that you will like! There’s no need to stay stuck in a rut, make some extra cash today!

The post What Makes The Most Money On Patreon? appeared first on Make Money.


Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Make More Money Without Working More Hours


How Can I Make More Money Without Working More Hours?

You want to make more money. Now, there is a common misconception that in order to make more money, you have to work more hours. However, this is not always the case! There are several ways that you can make more money without putting in extra time at your job. This blog post will discuss some of the best ways to make more money without working more hours. We will also provide tips on how to get started!

One way to make more money without working more hours is to make wise investments. This could include investing in stocks, real estate, or even starting your own business. Another way to make extra cash is to get a part-time job that pays well. For example, you could create a home cleaning business, dog walking, or babysitting service. Finally, you could also make money by selling items that you no longer need, such as clothes, furniture, or electronics on sites like eBay.

If you’re interested in finding the best side hustle for you, be sure to check out this blog post! We will provide all of the information and resources that you need to get started!

So Get Started!

Now that we’ve gone over some ways you can make more money without working more hours, let’s talk about how to get started. If you’re interested in making wise investments, be sure to do your research before putting any money down. It’s also important to start small and gradually increase your investment portfolio over time. If you’re interested in getting a part-time job, make sure to look for positions that offer flexible hours or that pay above minimum wage. Finally, if you plan on selling items that you no longer need, be sure to price them competitively and list them in a place where they will be seen by potential buyers.

Thanks for reading! We hope this blog post was helpful in showing you some of the best ways to make more without working more hours. Remember, there are several options available to you! Just be sure to do your research and take the time to find the best solution for your needs. Thanks for reading!

What are some of the best ways that you’ve found to make more money without working more hours? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this blog post, be sure to check out our other posts on MakeMoney.Monster! We cover a variety of topics related to making money, so there’s something for everyone! Thanks for reading!

until next time,

The MakeMoney.Monster Team.

The post Make More Money Without Working More Hours appeared first on Make Money.


Monday, September 5, 2022

How Can I Earn Money As A Student?


How Can I Earn Money As A Student?

Wondering, how can I earn money as a student? As a student, it can be tough to find ways to make some extra money. You’re probably already juggling classes, homework, and social life, so how can you add another responsibility? Well, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we will discuss several different ways that you can start earning money right now. Whether you want to work online or offline, we have something for everyone. So read on and get started today!

Keep In Mind

There are a few things to keep in mind when looking for ways to earn money as a student. First, you want to make sure that the work is flexible and fits your schedule. You also want to look for opportunities that will help you build your skills and experience. And finally, you want to choose something that you’re actually interested in! With those guidelines in mind, let’s take a look at some specific ideas:

A Few Ideas

If you’re looking for online work, one option is to start freelancing. There are a number of websites where you can find freelance gigs, such as Upwork or Fiverr. You can also search social media sites like Twitter or LinkedIn. Just remember to be careful when applying for jobs – only work with reputable clients, and never give out your personal information unless you’re sure it’s a legitimate opportunity. Check out this post Make Money With Fiverr to learn how to make money with Fiverr.

Another option for online work is to start a blog or website. You can monetize your site in a number of ways, such as through advertising, affiliate marketing, or selling products and services. If you’re not sure how to get started, there are plenty of resources available online. Just do some research and find a method that works for you. Check out how to start with blogging to learn more about blogging

If you prefer offline work, one option is to become a tutor. You can advertise your services on campus or online, and set your own rates. This is a great way to earn some extra money while also helping others succeed in their studies. Another offline option is to start a small business. This could be anything from selling handmade items to providing services like yard work or dog walking. If you’re creative and entrepreneurial, this is a great way to earn some extra cash!

There are endless possibilities when it comes to earning money as a student. Just remember to choose something that fits your interests and schedule, and that you feel comfortable with. With a little effort, you can start bringing in some extra cash in no time!

The post How Can I Earn Money As A Student? appeared first on Make Money.
