Reviews Are Added Frequently So Check Back Soon!

Reviews Are Added Frequently So Check Back Soon!

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Don't say: I will be successful. Say: I am successful. No matter how you feel, no matter where you are in your life cycle, no matter what you have or don't, repeat all day: I am successful.

Don't say: I will be successful. Say: I am successful. No matter how you feel, no matter where you are in your life cycle, no matter what you have or don't, repeat all day: I am successful. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Nobody got rich with a salary.

Nobody got rich with a salary. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Do good Get good

Do good Get good #motivation #motivate #inspire

When someone gives up on you, it’s their loss, not yours.

When someone gives up on you, it’s their loss, not yours. #motivation #motivate #inspire

All successful entrepreneurs have 6 things clear: 1) Clear picture of destination 2) Purpose of their business 3) Values that guide them 4) Numbers they track 5) What makes them different 6) What needs to get done & by whom.

All successful entrepreneurs have 6 things clear: 1) Clear picture of destination 2) Purpose of their business 3) Values that guide them 4) Numbers they track 5) What makes them different 6) What needs to get done & by whom. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Secret of successful communication:Simple. Direct. Precise. And, clear.

Secret of successful communication:Simple. Direct. Precise. And, clear. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It's great to be happy, but it's even better to bring happiness to others

It's great to be happy, but it's even better to bring happiness to others #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Life is not just happening to you. You are creating it with everything that you are doing. Choices you are making from moment to moment. Right now. And it's never too late to change your choices.

Life is not just happening to you. You are creating it with everything that you are doing. Choices you are making from moment to moment. Right now. And it's never too late to change your choices. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your life is a garden. What are you planting?

Your life is a garden. What are you planting? #motivation #motivate #inspire

Never lose hope. You never know what tomorrow might bring

Never lose hope. You never know what tomorrow might bring #motivation #motivate #inspire

It’s a secret of human nature: we are shaped more by our goals than our past. Set goals. Write your goals down. Start. Now.

It’s a secret of human nature: we are shaped more by our goals than our past. Set goals. Write your goals down. Start. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

How to tell if you possess things or things possess you? What you can choose to give is what you possess: love, respect, a smile. What can be taken away from you possesses you: limelight, power, prestige.

How to tell if you possess things or things possess you? What you can choose to give is what you possess: love, respect, a smile. What can be taken away from you possesses you: limelight, power, prestige. #motivation #motivate #inspire

No matter where you are in your life cycle, remind yourself everyday, your best days are still to come.

No matter where you are in your life cycle, remind yourself everyday, your best days are still to come. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, November 28, 2022

Mindset: I can and I will.

Mindset: I can and I will. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you don't have clear priorities, you are just spinning your wheel, hustling but going nowhere.

If you don't have clear priorities, you are just spinning your wheel, hustling but going nowhere. #motivation #motivate #inspire

RT @iConic_quote: Running a marathon, last mile is the hardest mile. Your muscles are burning. Your aching body is telling you how good it would feel to stop. Yet you persist. You keep going. Because you never quit. Thats what puts you on your path to great success.

RT @iConic_quote: Running a marathon, last mile is the hardest mile. Your muscles are burning. Your aching body is telling you how good it would feel to stop. Yet you persist. You keep going. Because you never quit. Thats what puts you on your path to great success. #motivation #motivate #inspire

RT @motivation_168: hustle until you no longer need to introduce yourself

RT @motivation_168: hustle until you no longer need to introduce yourself #motivation #motivate #inspire

Note to self: I’m going yo make you so proud

Note to self: I’m going yo make you so proud #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, November 27, 2022

If you want to continue to succeed, share success with those who have helped you.

If you want to continue to succeed, share success with those who have helped you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Hard times will always reveal true friends

Hard times will always reveal true friends #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you want to succeed, learn to focus on what matters. Let go of everything else.

If you want to succeed, learn to focus on what matters. Let go of everything else. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Do one thing today that your future self will thank you for.

Do one thing today that your future self will thank you for. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Learning is not about accumulation of knowledge, but the capacity to think clearly and sanely without illusion and to start from facts and not from beliefs and ideals.

Learning is not about accumulation of knowledge, but the capacity to think clearly and sanely without illusion and to start from facts and not from beliefs and ideals. #motivation #motivate #inspire

How do you know you know yourself? When you know what makes you unique.

How do you know you know yourself? When you know what makes you unique. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Love listening to lies when I know the truth

Love listening to lies when I know the truth #motivation #motivate #inspire

To change the world, change yourself.

To change the world, change yourself. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Growth comes with consistency.

Growth comes with consistency. #motivation #motivate #inspire

your future depends on what you do today

your future depends on what you do today #motivation #motivate #inspire

Stop waiting for good things to start happening in your life. Sometimes you have to go out and make things happen.

Stop waiting for good things to start happening in your life. Sometimes you have to go out and make things happen. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you don’t have a clear goal in life, you will end up working for someone who does.

If you don’t have a clear goal in life, you will end up working for someone who does. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, November 25, 2022

old habits won't build your new life

old habits won't build your new life #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't give up on people. You have no idea how you may be the answer to someone's prayers.

Don't give up on people. You have no idea how you may be the answer to someone's prayers. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Are you living the life you want, or one that others want you to live?

Are you living the life you want, or one that others want you to live? #motivation #motivate #inspire

Each experience in your life is a lesson. Each person you meet your teacher. Stay humble. Stay learning. Stay striving. Stay succeeding.

Each experience in your life is a lesson. Each person you meet your teacher. Stay humble. Stay learning. Stay striving. Stay succeeding. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Only when you stop trying to fit in, you realize how amazing you can be.

Only when you stop trying to fit in, you realize how amazing you can be. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Emotional vampires are people who suck all your energy and make you feel miserable. Don't waste your precious time on toxic people. Stay away from them.

Emotional vampires are people who suck all your energy and make you feel miserable. Don't waste your precious time on toxic people. Stay away from them. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your brain is a completion machine. You start. Your mind will finish it for you. All you have to do is show up, believe that you have options and choose.

Your brain is a completion machine. You start. Your mind will finish it for you. All you have to do is show up, believe that you have options and choose. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, November 24, 2022

You learn far more from loss, failure, losing than from gains, success, winning.

You learn far more from loss, failure, losing than from gains, success, winning. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Difference between success and failure is simple: habits.

Difference between success and failure is simple: habits. #motivation #motivate #inspire

When it comes to decision making, there is only one bad decision: To not make a decision at all.

When it comes to decision making, there is only one bad decision: To not make a decision at all. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There's nothing more destructive than destructive thinking. Being negative isn't going to take you anywhere. If you want to succeed, be an optimist. And, stay away from negative people.

There's nothing more destructive than destructive thinking. Being negative isn't going to take you anywhere. If you want to succeed, be an optimist. And, stay away from negative people. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Vague goals produce vague results.

Vague goals produce vague results. #motivation #motivate #inspire

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Before you can love others, you have to learn to love yourself.

Before you can love others, you have to learn to love yourself. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Dear God, show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, what I can do, use me for a purpose greater than myself.

Dear God, show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, what I can do, use me for a purpose greater than myself. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Our best successes often come after our greatest disappointments.

Our best successes often come after our greatest disappointments. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Happiness is the path, not the destination.

Happiness is the path, not the destination. #motivation #motivate #inspire

No matter how productive you think you are, without a purpose you are just busy. Being busy is not necessarily the same thing as being successful.

No matter how productive you think you are, without a purpose you are just busy. Being busy is not necessarily the same thing as being successful. #motivation #motivate #inspire

First person you need to manage everyday is you.

First person you need to manage everyday is you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You are born blessed with boundless supply of energy. Every time you compare, complain, blame, hate, don't take responsibility for your life, you are destroying your precious energy, burning out your life. Focus on what you want. Work hard. And, never stop.

You are born blessed with boundless supply of energy. Every time you compare, complain, blame, hate, don't take responsibility for your life, you are destroying your precious energy, burning out your life. Focus on what you want. Work hard. And, never stop. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

Do something today that your future self will thank you for. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

No matter how successful you are, stay down to earth. Stay approachable. Stay accessible. Stay easy to talk to. Stay humble. Stay striving. Stay succeeding.

No matter how successful you are, stay down to earth. Stay approachable. Stay accessible. Stay easy to talk to. Stay humble. Stay striving. Stay succeeding. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't ask, how happy you are. Ask, how loyal you are, and to what.

Don't ask, how happy you are. Ask, how loyal you are, and to what. #motivation #motivate #inspire

If you see something being done below standard and you do nothing about it, you have created a new standard.

If you see something being done below standard and you do nothing about it, you have created a new standard. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Dream big. Start small. Start now.

Dream big. Start small. Start now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

When things are not going well, stay away from negative people who are constantly complaining. Stay focused on the problem on hand. Get a tight grip on yourself. Don't be swayed by what's going around you.

When things are not going well, stay away from negative people who are constantly complaining. Stay focused on the problem on hand. Get a tight grip on yourself. Don't be swayed by what's going around you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Create a routine. Routines save you time. Routines make you productive. Just remember to change your routines every few months.

Create a routine. Routines save you time. Routines make you productive. Just remember to change your routines every few months. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Monday, November 21, 2022

What is more important to you: to be liked or respected?

What is more important to you: to be liked or respected? #motivation #motivate #inspire

Action beats anxiety And work beats worry

Action beats anxiety And work beats worry #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't get overwhelmed. You live one day at a time. Take things day by day.

Don't get overwhelmed. You live one day at a time. Take things day by day. #motivation #motivate #inspire

One of the biggest success killers: I am not good enough.

One of the biggest success killers: I am not good enough. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Mindset matters a lot. You better improve it.

Mindset matters a lot. You better improve it. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You are not your school. You are not your clothes. You are not where you live. You are not the toys you have. You are not a success. You are not a failure. You are a miracle. As long as you are alive, all possibilities are open. Never give up.

You are not your school. You are not your clothes. You are not where you live. You are not the toys you have. You are not a success. You are not a failure. You are a miracle. As long as you are alive, all possibilities are open. Never give up. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.

Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Before you can love others, you have to learn to love yourself.

Before you can love others, you have to learn to love yourself. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Gossiping about others won’t make your life better. Don’t waste your precious time, energy talking behind others’ back. Focus on what you want.

Gossiping about others won’t make your life better. Don’t waste your precious time, energy talking behind others’ back. Focus on what you want. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Kids are amazing because they haven't yet become afraid of failure. So they get up, fall down, get up again, fall down again. They don't care about winning and losing. They crawl, move, constantly trying and learning. Every which way. Unstoppable. That energy is still in you.

Kids are amazing because they haven't yet become afraid of failure. So they get up, fall down, get up again, fall down again. They don't care about winning and losing. They crawl, move, constantly trying and learning. Every which way. Unstoppable. That energy is still in you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't waste your time looking to be right all the time. Focus instead on how wrong we're most of the time. Because we are. Because being wrong brings you opportunities for growth.

Don't waste your time looking to be right all the time. Focus instead on how wrong we're most of the time. Because we are. Because being wrong brings you opportunities for growth. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't ask: will I succeed?Ask: What is holding me back? And, what am I going to do about it?

Don't ask: will I succeed?Ask: What is holding me back? And, what am I going to do about it? #motivation #motivate #inspire

Saturday, November 19, 2022

When you wake up with a state of mind that says it's going to be a bad day, that's what you are going to experience. When you wake up with a state of mind that says you are going to do your best, that today is going to be a great day, that's what you are going to experience.

When you wake up with a state of mind that says it's going to be a bad day, that's what you are going to experience. When you wake up with a state of mind that says you are going to do your best, that today is going to be a great day, that's what you are going to experience. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It takes you the same amount of effort to be happy or miserable. And, only you have the power to make you happy or miserable.

It takes you the same amount of effort to be happy or miserable. And, only you have the power to make you happy or miserable. #motivation #motivate #inspire

At least once a day, smile at people you don't know.

At least once a day, smile at people you don't know. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation #motivation #motivate #inspire

don't look back, you're not going that way.

don't look back, you're not going that way. #motivation #motivate #inspire

No rich parents. No handouts. No assistance. No favors. Straight hustle. All day everyday.

No rich parents. No handouts. No assistance. No favors. Straight hustle. All day everyday. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Point of life is not to satisfy other people's expectations.

Point of life is not to satisfy other people's expectations. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Friday, November 18, 2022

Positive thoughts, positive vision, positive life

Positive thoughts, positive vision, positive life #motivation #motivate #inspire

One common theme in the lives of all those who have made it big: failure after failure.

One common theme in the lives of all those who have made it big: failure after failure. #motivation #motivate #inspire

What is going to happen next is entirely dependent on what you are doing now.

What is going to happen next is entirely dependent on what you are doing now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Don't pretend to be someone else. You were made to be you. If you want to succeed, be you.

Don't pretend to be someone else. You were made to be you. If you want to succeed, be you. #motivation #motivate #inspire

You start succeeding as soon as you run out of excuses.

You start succeeding as soon as you run out of excuses. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Never stop believing in hope, because miracles happen every day

Never stop believing in hope, because miracles happen every day #motivation #motivate #inspire

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Don't let others bring you down to their level.

Don't let others bring you down to their level. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Mindset: I can and I will.

Mindset: I can and I will. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Actions equal dollars.

Actions equal dollars. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Take responsibility for whatever is happening in your life.

Take responsibility for whatever is happening in your life. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Persistence combined with burning desire is like magic. It makes things happen that you never thought possible.

Persistence combined with burning desire is like magic. It makes things happen that you never thought possible. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It's not enough to want something. You have got to do something about it. Every day. Now.

It's not enough to want something. You have got to do something about it. Every day. Now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

RT @iConic_quote: Don't quit. Keep the faith. Keep doing your thing. Keep moving forward. Keep going. You are going to make it.

RT @iConic_quote: Don't quit. Keep the faith. Keep doing your thing. Keep moving forward. Keep going. You are going to make it. #motivation #motivate #inspire

There is no success without absolute commitment. Commitment means no turning back, no doubts, no giving up. Commitment means faith, energy, enthusiasm, and discipline. You have it in you.

There is no success without absolute commitment. Commitment means no turning back, no doubts, no giving up. Commitment means faith, energy, enthusiasm, and discipline. You have it in you. #motivation #motivate #inspire


STAY FOCUSED #motivation #motivate #inspire

People who argue don't understand. People who understand don't argue. Don't waste your time arguing. Stay learning. Stay striving. Stay succeeding.

People who argue don't understand. People who understand don't argue. Don't waste your time arguing. Stay learning. Stay striving. Stay succeeding. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Failure is a great teacher. Failure often simplifies, eliminates what didn't work, removes noise, builds you a great foundation, and if you are humble enough to learn the lessons, failure stimulates momentum like nothing else.

Failure is a great teacher. Failure often simplifies, eliminates what didn't work, removes noise, builds you a great foundation, and if you are humble enough to learn the lessons, failure stimulates momentum like nothing else. #motivation #motivate #inspire

It's never too late to become what you might have been.

It's never too late to become what you might have been. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Like attracts like.

Like attracts like. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Always Remember that slow progress is still progress. Don’t compare you chapter 1 to someone’s chapter 20

Always Remember that slow progress is still progress. Don’t compare you chapter 1 to someone’s chapter 20 #motivation #motivate #inspire

Your brain is a completion machine. You start. Your mind will finish it for you. All you have to do is show up, believe that you have options and choose.

Your brain is a completion machine. You start. Your mind will finish it for you. All you have to do is show up, believe that you have options and choose. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $17,039.94 (+2.56%) ETH: $1,270.02 (+1.82%) LINK: $6.61 (+6.42%) LTC: $59.08 (+3.63%) XMR: $131.83 (+2.19%) XTZ: $1.04 (+2.63%) NEO: $6.94 (+4.94%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $LINK $LTC $XMR $XTZ $NEO

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $17,039.94 (+2.56%) ETH: $1,270.02 (+1.82%) LINK: $6.61 (+6.42%) LTC: $59.08 (+3.63%) XMR: $131.83 (+2.19%) XTZ: $1.04 (+2.63%) NEO: $6.94 (+4.94%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $LINK $LTC $XMR $XTZ $NEO

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,957.85 (+2.14%) ETH: $1,267.86 (+1.71%) LINK: $6.56 (+5.63%) THETA: $0.9243 (+3.63%) SOL: $14.64 (+3.84%) EOS: $0.9356 (+3.34%) ALGO: $0.2805 (+10.55%) 🚀 Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $LINK $THETA $SOL $EOS $ALGO

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,957.85 (+2.14%) ETH: $1,267.86 (+1.71%) LINK: $6.56 (+5.63%) THETA: $0.9243 (+3.63%) SOL: $14.64 (+3.84%) EOS: $0.9356 (+3.34%) ALGO: $0.2805 (+10.55%) 🚀 Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $LINK $THETA $SOL $EOS $ALGO

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,824.44 (+1.36%) ETH: $1,264.99 (+1.12%) XLM: $0.0929 (+5.96%) MKR: $706.32 (+3.17%) MIOTA: $0.2229 (+3.90%) ALGO: $0.2744 (+7.47%) ATOM: $10.62 (+3.11%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XLM $MKR $MIOTA $ALGO $ATOM

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,824.44 (+1.36%) ETH: $1,264.99 (+1.12%) XLM: $0.0929 (+5.96%) MKR: $706.32 (+3.17%) MIOTA: $0.2229 (+3.90%) ALGO: $0.2744 (+7.47%) ATOM: $10.62 (+3.11%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XLM $MKR $MIOTA $ALGO $ATOM

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,933.95 (+1.62%) ETH: $1,272.39 (+1.55%) XRP: $0.3898 (+11.88%) 🚀 LTC: $58.84 (+2.59%) BCH: $104.51 (+2.20%) TRX: $0.0515 (+2.11%) HOT: $0.0016 (+2.29%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XRP $LTC $BCH $TRX $HOT

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,933.95 (+1.62%) ETH: $1,272.39 (+1.55%) XRP: $0.3898 (+11.88%) 🚀 LTC: $58.84 (+2.59%) BCH: $104.51 (+2.20%) TRX: $0.0515 (+2.11%) HOT: $0.0016 (+2.29%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XRP $LTC $BCH $TRX $HOT

Don't copy others' way of doing things because everyone is different. Learn who you are and what makes you unique in your own way.

Don't copy others' way of doing things because everyone is different. Learn who you are and what makes you unique in your own way. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,990.80 (+0.16%) ETH: $1,275.88 (+0.28%) XLM: $0.0937 (+4.89%) CRO: $0.0756 (+4.91%) MIOTA: $0.2262 (+3.39%) NEO: $6.90 (+2.31%) CAKE: $3.95 (-3.50%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XLM $CRO $MIOTA $NEO $CAKE

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,990.80 (+0.16%) ETH: $1,275.88 (+0.28%) XLM: $0.0937 (+4.89%) CRO: $0.0756 (+4.91%) MIOTA: $0.2262 (+3.39%) NEO: $6.90 (+2.31%) CAKE: $3.95 (-3.50%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XLM $CRO $MIOTA $NEO $CAKE

Monday, November 14, 2022

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,372.05 (-0.23%) ETH: $1,225.21 (+0.28%) DOT: $5.78 (+1.28%) DOGE: $0.0861 (+1.75%) MATIC: $0.9033 (+2.41%) AVAX: $13.01 (+0.70%) CRO: $0.0686 (+14.74%) 🚀 Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $DOT $DOGE $MATIC $AVAX $CRO

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,372.05 (-0.23%) ETH: $1,225.21 (+0.28%) DOT: $5.78 (+1.28%) DOGE: $0.0861 (+1.75%) MATIC: $0.9033 (+2.41%) AVAX: $13.01 (+0.70%) CRO: $0.0686 (+14.74%) 🚀 Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $DOT $DOGE $MATIC $AVAX $CRO

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,627.84 (+0.31%) ETH: $1,247.28 (+1.24%) XRP: $0.3490 (-1.00%) LTC: $57.02 (-2.06%) TRX: $0.0496 (-4.46%) HOT: $0.0016 (-0.63%) ALGO: $0.2557 (-3.82%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XRP $LTC $TRX $HOT $ALGO

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,627.84 (+0.31%) ETH: $1,247.28 (+1.24%) XRP: $0.3490 (-1.00%) LTC: $57.02 (-2.06%) TRX: $0.0496 (-4.46%) HOT: $0.0016 (-0.63%) ALGO: $0.2557 (-3.82%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XRP $LTC $TRX $HOT $ALGO

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,602.68 (+0.35%) ETH: $1,250.30 (+1.70%) THETA: $0.8923 (+0.21%) LRC: $0.2506 (+0.85%) SOL: $14.12 (+1.31%) HOT: $0.0016 (-0.78%) HBAR: $0.0459 (-3.42%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $THETA $LRC $SOL $HOT $HBAR

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,602.68 (+0.35%) ETH: $1,250.30 (+1.70%) THETA: $0.8923 (+0.21%) LRC: $0.2506 (+0.85%) SOL: $14.12 (+1.31%) HOT: $0.0016 (-0.78%) HBAR: $0.0459 (-3.42%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $THETA $LRC $SOL $HOT $HBAR

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,595.16 (-0.22%) ETH: $1,250.72 (+0.89%) XLM: $0.0877 (-2.35%) BCH: $101.48 (+0.46%) MKR: $683.56 (+0.14%) XTZ: $1.01 (-1.36%) FTT: $1.42 (-20.55%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XLM $BCH $MKR $XTZ $FTT

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,595.16 (-0.22%) ETH: $1,250.72 (+0.89%) XLM: $0.0877 (-2.35%) BCH: $101.48 (+0.46%) MKR: $683.56 (+0.14%) XTZ: $1.01 (-1.36%) FTT: $1.42 (-20.55%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XLM $BCH $MKR $XTZ $FTT

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,695.09 (+0.09%) ETH: $1,253.62 (+1.09%) BCH: $102.34 (+1.25%) AVAX: $13.20 (+0.07%) LRC: $0.2513 (+1.20%) FIL: $4.32 (+0.62%) CAKE: $4.02 (-0.37%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $BCH $AVAX $LRC $FIL $CAKE

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,695.09 (+0.09%) ETH: $1,253.62 (+1.09%) BCH: $102.34 (+1.25%) AVAX: $13.20 (+0.07%) LRC: $0.2513 (+1.20%) FIL: $4.32 (+0.62%) CAKE: $4.02 (-0.37%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $BCH $AVAX $LRC $FIL $CAKE

FEAR = false evidence appearing real

FEAR = false evidence appearing real #motivation #motivate #inspire

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,988.28 (+1.88%) ETH: $1,278.48 (+3.00%) LINK: $6.34 (+1.51%) LEO: $3.88 (-0.50%) DOGE: $0.0889 (+0.44%) ICP: $4.02 (+3.79%) HOT: $0.0016 (-0.68%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $LINK $LEO $DOGE $ICP $HOT

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,988.28 (+1.88%) ETH: $1,278.48 (+3.00%) LINK: $6.34 (+1.51%) LEO: $3.88 (-0.50%) DOGE: $0.0889 (+0.44%) ICP: $4.02 (+3.79%) HOT: $0.0016 (-0.68%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $LINK $LEO $DOGE $ICP $HOT

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,784.71 (+1.17%) ETH: $1,258.50 (+1.94%) UNI: $5.95 (+0.07%) LINK: $6.31 (+2.02%) FIL: $4.32 (+1.55%) TRX: $0.0502 (-4.23%) FTT: $1.50 (-21.87%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $UNI $LINK $FIL $TRX $FTT

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,784.71 (+1.17%) ETH: $1,258.50 (+1.94%) UNI: $5.95 (+0.07%) LINK: $6.31 (+2.02%) FIL: $4.32 (+1.55%) TRX: $0.0502 (-4.23%) FTT: $1.50 (-21.87%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $UNI $LINK $FIL $TRX $FTT

Dear God, grant me courage to change things I can, ability to accept things I cannot change, and wisdom to know the difference.

Dear God, grant me courage to change things I can, ability to accept things I cannot change, and wisdom to know the difference. #motivation #motivate #inspire

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,835.91 (+0.28%) ETH: $1,257.65 (+0.54%) ICP: $3.99 (+4.60%) LRC: $0.2532 (-1.54%) FTT: $1.69 (-18.67%) ALGO: $0.2632 (-1.05%) ATOM: $10.17 (-5.27%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $ICP $LRC $FTT $ALGO $ATOM

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,835.91 (+0.28%) ETH: $1,257.65 (+0.54%) ICP: $3.99 (+4.60%) LRC: $0.2532 (-1.54%) FTT: $1.69 (-18.67%) ALGO: $0.2632 (-1.05%) ATOM: $10.17 (-5.27%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $ICP $LRC $FTT $ALGO $ATOM

Sunday, November 13, 2022

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0868, 0% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $86,830.8460. Total volume in last 24H: $1,029,876,432. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #9 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0868, 0% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $86,830.8460. Total volume in last 24H: $1,029,876,432. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #9 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,545.33 (-2.36%) ETH: $1,230.80 (-3.53%) DOT: $5.84 (+0.90%) LTC: $58.00 (-3.73%) THETA: $0.8890 (-1.88%) SOL: $13.93 (-8.67%) NEO: $6.43 (-3.48%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $DOT $LTC $THETA $SOL $NEO

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,545.33 (-2.36%) ETH: $1,230.80 (-3.53%) DOT: $5.84 (+0.90%) LTC: $58.00 (-3.73%) THETA: $0.8890 (-1.88%) SOL: $13.93 (-8.67%) NEO: $6.43 (-3.48%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $DOT $LTC $THETA $SOL $NEO

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,677.45 (-1.06%) ETH: $1,240.19 (-1.95%) XRP: $0.3572 (-4.18%) LRC: $0.2480 (-0.46%) FIL: $4.30 (-0.78%) FTT: $1.82 (-11.33%) CAKE: $4.03 (+1.28%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XRP $LRC $FIL $FTT $CAKE

#live #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,677.45 (-1.06%) ETH: $1,240.19 (-1.95%) XRP: $0.3572 (-4.18%) LRC: $0.2480 (-0.46%) FIL: $4.30 (-0.78%) FTT: $1.82 (-11.33%) CAKE: $4.03 (+1.28%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $XRP $LRC $FIL $FTT $CAKE

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0877, 1% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $87,679.3906. Total volume in last 24H: $1,071,279,220. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #8 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0877, 1% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $87,679.3906. Total volume in last 24H: $1,071,279,220. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #8 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

You won't find any opportunities until you let go of resentments you have been accumulating. Resentment is past and dead. Today is a brand new day, full of opportunities waiting for you. Focus here and now.

You won't find any opportunities until you let go of resentments you have been accumulating. Resentment is past and dead. Today is a brand new day, full of opportunities waiting for you. Focus here and now. #motivation #motivate #inspire

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0876, 0% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $87,597.9052. Total volume in last 24H: $1,090,080,071. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #8 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0876, 0% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $87,597.9052. Total volume in last 24H: $1,090,080,071. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #8 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,676.45 (-0.95%) ETH: $1,241.40 (-1.89%) DOT: $5.83 (+1.83%) BNB: $280.55 (-0.45%) LTC: $58.18 (-3.50%) FTT: $1.84 (-10.20%) ATOM: $10.60 (-4.33%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $DOT $BNB $LTC $FTT $ATOM

current #cryptoprices Live Crypto Prices (24h change) BTC: $16,676.45 (-0.95%) ETH: $1,241.40 (-1.89%) DOT: $5.83 (+1.83%) BNB: $280.55 (-0.45%) LTC: $58.18 (-3.50%) FTT: $1.84 (-10.20%) ATOM: $10.60 (-4.33%) Powered by CoinGecko API $BTC $ETH $DOT $BNB $LTC $FTT $ATOM

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0872, -1% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $87,234.4377. Total volume in last 24H: $1,115,699,950. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #8 $DOGE #DOGECOIN

The current price of one DOGE is now: $0.0872, -1% change in the last hour! One MDOGE is worth $87,234.4377. Total volume in last 24H: $1,115,699,950. Current CoinMarketCap Rank: #8 $DOGE #DOGECOIN